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Development of the technological process for the manufacture of the "Body" part

  • Added: 17.03.2024
  • Size: 10 MB
  • Downloads: 2
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The topic of the project is the development of a technological process for the manufacture of the "Hull" part. It contains a calculation and explanatory note, a set of technological and graphic documents.

The explanatory note contains the analysis of this part, its material, the justification of the method of obtaining the blank and the sequence of machining, the characteristics of the metalworking equipment. 

The choice of cutting, measuring and auxiliary tools, machine tools, as well as the calculation of operating allowances and cutting modes - all this is justified in this course project. 

The appendix contains a complete processing route of the part and an operational description with sketches for each operation.

Project's Content

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icon инструмент.cdw
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icon 1448176_ТМС_Корпус_ljh.docx
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icon Корпус.cdw
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icon заготовка.cdw
icon Спецификация на калибр.jpg
icon Спецификация на калибр.spw
icon Калибр.jpg
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Additional information

Drawings content

icon инструмент.cdw


icon Наладка_2.cdw


icon Корпус.cdw


icon заготовка.cdw


icon Спецификация на калибр.spw

Спецификация на калибр.spw

icon Калибр.cdw


icon инструмент.spw


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