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Designing a disc chisel

  • Added: 25.03.2022
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Design a chisel for gear processing 

crowns Z1 and Z2. Execute the drawing of the chisel.

  Normal module m=3,5 mm; 

Degree of accuracy 6

Z1=25; Z2=35

the profile angle of the reference contour  a=20° ; 

Processed material Steel 40X.


Project's Content

icon Долбяк дисковый.cdw
icon Долбяк.docx

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1. Calculation of parameters of cut wheels

2. Basic calculation

3. Check calculation

List of sources used


The chisel is a cutting tool made in the form of a gear wheel, in which the tops and lateral sides of the teeth are equipped with front and rear angles.

Chippers are intended for cutting of teeth of cylindrical spur-toothed, oblique-toothed and chevron wheels, as well as wheels of internal engagement. Dolbyaks are indispensable when cutting teeth at rest, for example, on block wheels or wheels with flanges. They provide more productivity when cutting wheels with a narrow collar and a large number of teeth, when cutting toothed sectors and racks. Note their high processability, ability to achieve high manufacturing accuracy and wide versatility in application.

Profile of teeth of wheel being cut is formed as envelope of different positions of cutting edges of chisel relative to blank.

Due to the intermittency of the cutting process and the inability to develop high cutting speeds due to high inertia forces, the shoulder is inferior in productivity to worm mills.

Among the drawbacks of the dolbyaks are: the complexity of the kinematics of the tooth-cutting machines, restrictions on the applicability by the number of teeth of the wheels being cut due to the errors introduced in their profile.


Design Gearbox for Gear Machining

crowns Z1 and Z2. Run the shoulder drawing.

Normal module m = 3.5 mm ;

Degree of accuracy 6

Z1=25; Z2=35

profile angle of initial circuit α = 20 °;

Machined Material Steel 40X.

Drawings content

icon Долбяк дисковый.cdw

Долбяк дисковый.cdw