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Design of the park with an area of ​ ​ 16ha


Project's Content

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Additional information




design data................... 5 

Functional zoning of the territory of the citywide park. 6 

Territory balance

Idea - park concepts

Organization of transport and pedestrian links.................... 13 


Small architectural forms............................... 17 


List of literature


Urban expansion automatically leads to a catastrophic decline in forest resources. The increase in industrial zones, transport arteries, the laying of new roads, the construction of residential areas - all this leads to the ruthless destruction of wildlife. Therefore, the design of multifunctional parks designed for periodic mass recreation, entertainment, active and quiet recreation, attractions for adults and children becomes increasingly important. 

The park is an object of landscape architecture, a large array of plantations, representing the territory on which the elements of the landscape of the structure, buildings are organized in a certain spatial system.

Landscaped and landscaped parks are designed for everyday and periodic mass recreation and represent an effective recreation of the city system as a whole.

There are several types of parks: polyfunctional parks (cultural and recreation parks, sports, children's parks), recreation parks, exhibition parks, scientific and educational (ethnographic, cultural gardens, sculptures, monoculture gardens, botanical and zoological parks), memorial parks.

City parks are divided:

By location - on urban and suburban; [1]

The size is small ( 5-20 ha), medium (20-100 ha) and large (more than 100 ha). It is recommended that the area of ​ ​ the city park does not exceed 500 hectares, and the country park - 1000 hectares (if necessary, it is possible to organize a complex of several city or country parks); [1]

In place in the architectural and planning structure of the city and its water-green system - urban, planning areas, residential areas and microdistricts. [1]

The purpose of the course work is the design and landscaping of a multifunctional city park, with an area of ​ ​ 16 hectares.

Design Input

The design area of ​ ​ the park is the city of Kaluga, which is located in the center of the European part of Russia. The area of ​ ​ the park is 16  hectares.

Of great importance for choosing the design site of the citywide park is the complex of climatic and natural data, in particular, the climate, wind rose, insolation and aeration of the territory, relief.

The territory of the district is included in the region of temperate latitudes, which is characterized by well-defined seasons of the year: moderately hot and humid summers and moderately cold winters with stable snow cover. The average July temperature is + (1718) ° С, January - (9-10) ° С. The warm period (with a positive average daily temperature) lasts 215220 days.

Wind rose is built in accordance with SNiP 2.01.0182 data.

Functional zoning of the territory of the citywide park.

Functional zoning of the territory is the allocation of different functional zones, each of which is responsible for a particular function of the park. Functional zoning serves as the basis of the architectural and planning solution of the park. In multi-purpose parks, the following functional zones are distinguished:

1. Zone of cultural mass events . The mass event area is usually located near the main entrance to the park in order to reduce the flow of visitors through other areas of the park. It can include theater, cinema, dance venues, rides, fields for festivals, mass games, etc. [3]

2. The quiet recreation area occupies most of the park and is characterized by a natural landscape. A diverse, rough terrain is desirable, convenient for the construction of interesting view terraces, the placement of arbors and pavilions, for the laying of walking alleys, used in winter for skiing. [3]

3. Culturally - educational zone. For cultural and educational events, demonstration platforms, exhibition pavilions, reading rooms are provided, the main park alleys and squares, and the premises of the lobby of spectacular buildings are used. Pavilions and grounds are surrounded by decorative plantations. [3]

4. Children's recreation area. This zone is located separately near the main or one of the secondary entrances . The zone is located on an independent territory without the transit movement of adult visitors and in isolation from mass sectors with favorable, sanitary conditions . The general nature of the layout is the system of a large number of playgrounds and individual pavilions. The sites should be diverse both in shape and in design. Playgrounds are classified taking into account the age of children: for children under 3 years old - playgrounds for sedentary games with sand (10100 m2 at a rate of 3.0 m2 per child); for children 4-6 years old - platforms for mobile collective games (size 120-300 m2 with a norm of 5.0 m2 per child); children 7-14 years old - platforms for mobile collective games (5-20 people), sports games for children 10-14 years old (500-2000 m2 , with a norm for one child 10 m2). Open lawns should prevail in landscaping, a variety of flowering shrubs and trees, planted in free groups, as well as natural reservoirs with running water, are desirable. [3]

5. The zone of physical culture and sports is performed in a single complex. It requires large open spaces for playgrounds and training areas, which are placed in groups, playgrounds of a mass nature can be dispersed throughout the territory. A horizontal surface is desired to accommodate the exercise areas. [3]

6. Economic area and service. For the economic zone, a plot is allocated on the periphery of the park with its exit to the adjacent street. The structure of the economic zone includes: a garage or canopy, where there are garbage collection machines, lawn haircuts, watering, as well as a workshop for repairing garden furniture and equipment, a seasonal inventory warehouse, etc. Perhaps the combination of outbuildings with office premises of the park administration. [3]

Idea - park concepts

The park is divided into functional zones :

Zone of cultural and mass events

Quiet rest area

Zone of cultural and educational institutions

Children's recreation area

Physical education - health area 

Economic area

In the center of the park, a cultural and mass events zone is designed, where a fountain is located, which becomes the starting point for the entire trip of the park. The area of events and entertainment is presented in the form of an amphitheater - this is the venue for various concert events, children's creative competitions, theater productions and game programs, it is an oval recess with wide wooden steps around the perimeter and an entertainment center equipped with attractions. 

The children's area is located at a distance from the main entrance to the park, includes playgrounds, sandboxes and arbors. Equipment for playgrounds was selected on the KSIL website [1]

The sports zone is also located at a distance from the main entrance, presented in the form of a basketball - volleyball court, a court for playing big and table tennis, badminton fields, and a playing field. All site sizes were selected in accordance with [4]. 

 A ski is stretched along the perimeter of the park - a roller track. 

The quiet recreation area is located throughout the park, isolated from the noise by green spaces, as well as recreation on the banks of an artificial reservoir.

The economic zone is located on the periphery of the park. It is fenced off by wood-shrub vegetation, therefore, is not striking to visitors. It includes a building for administration and workers, a workshop for repairing equipment, garden furniture, and a seasonal inventory warehouse. 

The territory also houses an ecological parking lot for park visitors, fenced around with a protective strip of green spaces. The number of parking spaces is 160. (out of the consumption of 10 parking spaces for 100 one-time seedlings.) 

Organization of transport and pedestrian links

The system of alleys, walking paths and trails is the basis of the landscape and planning structure of the park and occupies 10-15% or more in the total balance of the park. The main alleys, alleys - driveways, walking paths, trails stand out. Park alleys and paths should connect individual zones and structures, promote easy spatial orientation, and optimal distribution of visitors throughout the park.

The main alleys connect the central entrance to the main functional zones, functionally - planning nodes of the park and form together with them the planning frame of its territory.

Recreational routes should have a sufficient length, which is provided even with the small size of the park by closed circular alleys, usually passing through swathes of green spaces framing the park from the side of the streets, while at the same time communicating between all park areas.

The width of alleys and walking paths ranges from 3 to 10 m in the mass events area and from 1.5 to 5 m in the quiet recreation area.

The main alleys in the largest city parks are wider (20-40 m), especially at the main entrance. Sometimes they are called esplanades, which are decided in the form of extended stalls with the inclusion of floral compositions, pools, fountains, and small architectural forms .

Since part of the park alleys combine the functions of automobile driveways (for access to structures, cleaning, watering, etc.), their coatings must be resistant to certain loads. For roads and areas where transport with a carrying capacity of no more than three tons is allowed, concrete slabs on a special base, asphalt are used. On pedestrian alleys and paths, it is possible to arrange a coating of concrete tiles. In recreational areas and small parks, the arrangement of paths with improved soil cover is common. 

Landscaping of the territory

Green spaces in the park are a natural array of deciduous trees of the first and second size, places of mass visitation of the population are landscaped with ornamental plants. The assortment of woody, shrub and flower plants was selected in accordance with the purpose and place of their placement on the territory. Soil, climatic factors also affect the choice and location of plants in the territory.

The central zone of the park is designed for cultural and educational events. As a rule, taking into account the functional purpose, ordinary and alley tree planting prevails in the central part of the park, a rather high percentage of hedges and shrubs is allowed. Based on the compositional features of the construction of the central part of the park, the most optimal tree planting standards per hectare are 90-150 pcs. The ratio of trees and shrubs in these conditions ranges from 1:10 to 1:20.

The volume and transport organization of the recreational part of the park in accordance with its functional purpose is usually decided in a landscape or landscape style. The number of trees and shrubs in this part of the park is determined by compositional solutions. The predominance of dense planting groups and a decrease in the share of free open spaces in order to create shaded areas for recreation is characteristic. Therefore, the planting density of trees and shrubs in this part of the park is higher than in the central part, and is 170 - 250 pcs/ha. The ratio of trees and shrubs in these conditions decreases and amounts to 1:4 - 1:6.

To create dense park massifs, mostly group I tree seedlings are used with their placement at a distance of 5x5 m. Cut (loose) plantings are carried out by  group II seedlings with an increase in the distance between plants to 6x8 m. Open landscapes are formed by single plantings of group III trees at a rate of 50 pcs/ha.

The main tree species used in the landscaping of the park: petiolate oak, spiky maple, broad-leaved linden, birch, common mountain ash, white willow, common pine, spruce spruce, fir.

When planting trees in groups, their compatibility must be taken into account. 

Shrubs: white turf, Japanese spirey, Cossack junipers, farzia, weigela.

Flower plants: everlasting begonia of various colors, seaside cineraria, bulbous and small-breasted.

Small architectural forms

The comfort of the architectural and landscape environment of the park is ensured by the availability of the necessary equipment, its convenient accessibility, rational and aesthetically expressive improvement of the territory.

Usually, small architectural forms and improvement elements simultaneously perform a utilitarian and decorative role.

Sandboxes, playgrounds, gazebos, etc. were placed for the children's zone.

In a quiet area there are various benches, urns. A large role is played by decorative and local lighting, which emphasizes individual elements of the park (the shore of the reservoir, individual trees, paths and paths).

The equipment of sports grounds is due to the types of sports and games.

Bridges that help overcome an artificial reservoir in the shortest way, but also allow you to create new view points in the park.


Currently, we can say that the cultural and aesthetic level of landscape design, landscaping and the construction of lawns and flower gardens has increased. The concept of recreation of the population has changed. It needs to create new modern and technological parks that can meet the needs of different segments of the population.

Thus, when writing coursework, all the goals were fulfilled: to equip and reconstruct an unattractive territory within the city, to create a multifunctional park of culture and recreation. Create a new, modern quiet holiday in accordance with the norms and requirements.

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