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Design of sector power supply

  • Added: 17.04.2012
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Thesis project. Complete set of drawings and documentation.

Project's Content

icon Введение.doc
icon ГЕНПЛАн г. Калинковичи.DWG
icon Заземление ПС110кВ.dwg
icon Заключение.doc
icon Конструкривная часть СИП.dwg
icon Лист задания.doc
icon Литература.doc
icon Отзыв.doc
icon Привязка ЭРКОН.dwg
icon Приложение.doc
icon Пункт1.doc
icon Пункт2.doc
icon Пункт3.doc
icon Пункт4.doc
icon Пункт5.doc
icon Пункт6.doc
icon Пункт7.doc
icon Пункт8.doc
icon РАМКА большая.doc
icon РАМКА маленькая_volk.doc
icon Расчет в минимальном режиме3 .mcd
icon Расчет режимов схемы 1и2.mcd
icon Рис.4.1. питание от ТП-49 с СИП.doc
icon Сетевой график.dwg
icon Смета на демонтаж ЛЭП.xls
icon Смета на реконструкцию ЛЭП с СИП.xls
icon Содержание.doc
icon Схема замещения.dwg
icon Схема питания потребителей.dwg
icon Схема ПС110кв.dwg
icon Табл.2.1.xls
icon Табл.3.3.xls
icon Табл.3.7..xls
icon Табл.4.1.xls
icon Табл.4.2.xls
icon Табл.7.3.xls
icon Табл.7.4.xls
icon Титульник.doc

Additional information



1. Necessity of development of external power supply to Kalinkovichi consumers

2. Calculation of electrical loads of industrial and municipal and domestic consumers of sector "A" of Kalinkovichi and development of a scheme for transferring their power supply to the new substation "Kalinkovichi - Yuzhnaya"

3. Calculation of 10kV distribution network modes and selection of main circuit elements when their power supply is transferred to 110/10kV substation "Kalinkovichi - Yuzhnaya"

3.1. Calculation of 10kV short circuit currents for PC and selection of cables

3.2. Selection of main electrical equipment in connection with commissioning of 110/10kV substation "Kalinkovichi - Yuzhnaya"

4. Calculation of electrical loads of core "B" and development of 0.4kV network diagram using self-supporting insulated wires

5. Accounting of power consumption on the 10kV side of the Kalinkovichi-Yuzhnaya substation using modern information and measurement systems

6. Calculation of short-circuit currents at 110 and 10 kV voltages of Kalinkovichi-Yuzhnaya substation and selection of main electrical equipment in connection with the upcoming commissioning of the second 110/10kV transformer with a capacity of 6.3MVA

7. Calculation of estimated construction cost of 0.4kV line with self-supporting insulated wires and network planning

7.1. Calculation of estimated construction cost of 0.4kV line with self-supporting insulated wires

7.2. Drawing up of 0.4kV line construction network with self-supporting insulated wires

8. Grounding calculation of 110/10kV Kalinkovichi-Yuzhnaya substation. Health and safety at operation of 0.4kV overhead power lines by self-supporting insulated wires

8.1. Grounding calculation of 110/10kV Kalinkovichi-Yuzhnaya substation

8.2. Health and safety at operation of 0.4kV overhead power lines by self-supporting insulated wires





Currently, the development of small cities and urban-type settlements is intensively underway. But for the normal development of the city, the development of a power supply system with the construction of new substations and networks is also required. An example of this is the city of Kalinkovichi, where the development of a new microdistrict continues. Therefore, our task of graduate design is to develop electricity supply in Kalinkovichi when transferring power to 110/10kV Kalinkovichi-Yuzhnaya substation.

During the degree design, the following questions were raised:

1. Calculation of electrical loads of industrial and municipal consumers.

2. Development of power supply scheme for power consumers.

3. Calculation of 10kV distribution networks modes.

4. Selection of main elements of the substation diagram and equipment.

5. Use of self-supporting insulated wires in 0.4kV networks.

6. Accounting of electric power consumption.

7. Estimated cost and network schedule for construction of PIS lines.

8. Occupational safety and safety.

When developing a diploma project, careful attention should be paid to health and safety issues, energy accounting and economic issues.

The mandatory point of the diploma project should be the use of PC.

The finished draft is submitted to the defense of the commission, which assesses its quality and compliance with the requirements of GOST.


In this diploma project, the power supply scheme of Kalinkovichi was developed with the transfer of power to the 110/10kV substation "Kalinkovichi - Yuzhnaya"

The 110/10kV substation was designed taking into account the growth of loads of public utilities, while one transformer with a capacity of 6.3MVA is installed at the substation, for the future it is planned to install a second transformer with a capacity of 6.3MVA.

The substation diagram is shown on sheet 3 of the graphic part.

The following switching equipment was also selected at the 110/10kV substation:

on the 110kV side there is a switch of VMT110B25/1250UKhL1 type and a disconnector of RDZ110/1000U1 type;

On the 10kV side, vacuum switches of the Tavridaelectrik plant of type BB/TEL1012.5/1000Y2 were installed.

The power consumption at the substation is recorded using the Erkon microprocessor device, to which 16 active and reactive electricity meters are connected.

In the design, the substation grounding loop is calculated, which is shown on sheet 5 of the graphic part.

When transferring the power supply to consumers, the 10kV network is not reconstructed, but only the places of the power source change, as a result of which, the existing network was checked according to the heating conditions with a long permissible current and thermal resistance .

Also in the design, 10 kV distribution network modes were calculated, as a result of which the PBV tripping was changed at transformer substations to ensure the voltage level to GOST requirements in the maximum and minimum network operation mode.

When calculating short-circuit currents, the TKZ-3000 software system was used.

Taking into account the improvement of power supply quality of consumers, the 0.4kV line leaving TP49 made with bare wires is removed, and a line with self-supporting insulated wires is installed in its place.

The estimated cost of dismantling the VLI amounted to 15287.14 rubles. at the prices of 1991, and the cost of installing a line with self-supporting insulated wires amounted to 292521 rubles in prices of the same year.

According to the results of calculation of network schedules, the time for dismantling the VLI was 89 days, and for installation of the PIS 232 days.

The project proposes recommendations for the operation of the PIS from the point of view of labor protection and safety.

Structural part of 0.4kV line with PIS is shown on sheet 6 of graphic part.

Drawings content

icon ГЕНПЛАн г. Калинковичи.DWG

ГЕНПЛАн г. Калинковичи.DWG

icon Заземление ПС110кВ.dwg

Заземление ПС110кВ.dwg

icon Конструкривная часть СИП.dwg

Конструкривная часть СИП.dwg

icon Привязка ЭРКОН.dwg

Привязка ЭРКОН.dwg

icon Сетевой график.dwg

Сетевой график.dwg

icon Схема замещения.dwg

Схема замещения.dwg

icon Схема питания потребителей.dwg

Схема питания потребителей.dwg

icon Схема ПС110кв.dwg

Схема ПС110кв.dwg
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