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Design of machine with mechanical agitator

  • Added: 13.12.2019
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Development in accordance with the initial data of sketched, technical designs and fragments of working design documentation for a typical vertical apparatus with a mechanical mixing device. The apparatus is designed to carry out a mixing process in a liquid-phase system at a given pressure, temperature and properties of the working medium while maintaining operability in working conditions for a given service life.

Project's Content

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Additional information






2.1 Design temperature

2.2 Selection of structural materials

2.3 Definition of permissible stresses of structural material

2.4 Determination of operating, design, trial and conditional pressures

2.5 Selection and definition of parameters of components

2.6 Evaluation of reliability of selected variant of apparatus layout


3.1. Calculation of apparatus housing elements

3.1.1. Determination of weld coefficients and increase for corrosion compensation

3.1.2 Determination of design thickness of shell walls based on strength condition

3.1.3 Determination of design thickness of shell walls based on stability condition

3.1.4 Determination of as-built thickness of shell walls

3.1.5 Definition of allowable pressures

3.1.6 Reinforcement of holes

3.1.7 Calculation of flange connections of the housing and hatch

3.1.8 Calculation of mounting journals of the housing and supports of the apparatus

3.2 Mechanical Agitator Components

3.2.1 Calculation of stirrer shaft for strength and vibration resistance

3.2.2 Calculation of stirrer shaft bearings

3.2.3 Calculation of stirrers

3.2.4 Calculation of key connection of mixer hub with shaft

3.2.5 Calculation of couplings


List of literature used


Modern technological equipment includes a variety of technical devices: machines, devices and devices. A machine is a device that performs mechanical movements in order to perform useful work by converting energy. The kinematic basis of any machine is a mechanism, i.e. a device in the form of a system of bodies that converts the movement of some bodies into the expedient movement of other bodies. By the term apparatus in the chemical industry is understood a device in which the technological process is carried out due to physicochemical transformations. Some processes occur at elevated pressures and temperatures of treated media, which can be aggressive, toxic, explosive, fire hazardous, and include expensive components. Such process characteristics require increased safety and reliability of the equipment.

Devices are usually equipped with various heat exchange devices, machines, mechanisms, as well as devices and devices that perform the functions of control, measurement, regulation and control. Structural materials used for the manufacture of equipment elements shall ensure strength, corrosion resistance and heat resistance in operation.

Design is the development of a common product design.

Design is the definition of the shape and dimensions of all elements of a common product design.

Project - a set of text and graphic documents obtained as a result of design and construction, designed for the manufacture, control and operation of the product.

When designing process equipment, it is necessary to ensure its high quality, that is, a set of properties that determine the functioning of the equipment in accordance with its purpose. Quality is characterized by: technological efficiency, economy, reliability, convenience, ease of maintenance and operation, and other properties. The technological efficiency of the device is determined by the efficiency of the process. Cost effectiveness is determined by the overall cost of designing, manufacturing, erection, operation and disposal of the equipment after the end of its service life. Reliability is the property of a product to perform a given function, keeping its performance within a given range for a given service life (usually 10-15 years in the chemical industry).

During design it is necessary to observe the sequence of design works and the rules of technical documentation (explanatory note, drawings).

Project Objective and Objectives

The purpose of the course design: Development in accordance with the initial data of the design, technical design and fragments of the working design documentation for a typical apparatus with a mechanical mixing device, designed to carry out the mixing process in a liquid-phase system at a given pressure, temperature and properties of the working medium, while maintaining operability under operating conditions for a given service life.

Course Project Tasks:

Selection of Structural Materials

Selection of components

Defining Shell Wall Thickness

Calculation of flange connections

Calculation of supports and mounting trunnions of the apparatus

Calculation of mechanical agitator elements


In this course work, an apparatus with a mechanical stirring device was designed to conduct the glycerol mixing process at a given pressure, temperature, while maintaining operability under operating conditions for a given service life.

Drawings content

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Мешалка турбинная сборка.cdw

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