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Design of industrial building rafter truss

  • Added: 09.08.2012
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The archive has calculations, explanatory note, drawings

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icon Макеев Узлы3ПСК. БР. 10.008.21.cdw
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icon Макеев Ферма2ПСК. БР. 10.008.20 СБ.cdw
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1. General characteristics of farms. Scope of Application

and design requirements

2. Design Input

3. Collection of loads acting on FFM

4. Development of a linkage scheme

5. Determination of forces in fer-we rods

6. Selection of cross sections of fer-we rods

6.1. Selection of sections of rods of upper pole-sa

6.2. Selection of sections of rods of lower pole-sa

7. Weld Calculation

8. Justification for Material Selection for Welded


8.1. Materials used

8.2. Weldability Analysis and Evaluation

Resistance to the Emergence of Trushchins

8.2.1. Resistance to the formation of hot chips

8.2.2 Resistance to cold crack formation

8.2.3. Sensitivity of metal to thermal


9. Select the method, type, and method of welding

10. Calculation of welding material consumption rates

11. Calculation of time standards during performance of joint works

12. Technological process of assembly and welding of FER

13. Con-troll of quality

14. Installation conditions for rafters

15. Safety and safety at the farm assembly site

16. Calculation of technical and economic indicators

17. Key

18. Spy juice used literature


Iron, which is the base for the manufacture of metal structures, was produced in Russia until the XVII century. in small quantities by artisanal method. In 1698, by decree of Peter I, the first state metallurgical plant was founded in Nevyansk, which laid the foundation for industrial metallurgy. By the beginning of World War I, 4.2 million tons of steel were smelted in Russia per year.

The first iron elements for building structures in the form of brace-puffs to perceive the strife of stone arches began to be used in the XII-XIV centuries. (Assumption Cathedral in Vladimir, XII century).

In the XVII century. the first bearing iron structures appear in the form of frames of domes (the bell tower of Ivan the Great in Moscow, 1600) and iron rafters (the overlap of the Arkhangelsk Cathedral in Moscow, the laid rafters of the Kremlin Palace, the overlap above the refectory of the Trinity-Sergius Monastery in Zagorsk).

In the XIX century. bridge structures become leading among other metal structures. The development of bridge building in Russia is associated with the names of famous engineers and scientists who created metal bridges of the original design, significantly developed the theory of their calculation and had a great influence on the further development of metal structures.

Inge. S.V. Kerbedz (1810-1899) built the first in Russia iron bridge over the river. Meadow with spans of through trusses, a bridge over the river. Neman with continuous riveted beams 7 m high, an arched iron bridge in Moscow.

Inge. D. And Zhuravsky (1821-1891) headed the bridge design department of the St. Petersburg Railway, developed the theory of calculating brace trusses and the theory of bending stresses.

Prof. F. S. Yasinsky (1856-1899) made a great contribution to the development of engineering methods for calculating the stability of metal rods, which to a large extent expanded the further use of metal structures.

Prof. N. A. Belelyubsky (1845-1922) created a metric grade of steel, developed work on testing construction steels, co-staged the first course of construction mechanics, improved the structural shape of bridge trusses, using a bracing grid in them. According to his projects, many bridges were built, the largest of which are the Syzran bridge across the Volga, consisting of 13 spans 107 m long, and the bridges of the Siberian Railway.

Prof. L. D. Proskuryakov (1858-1926) introduced a modern triangular lattice of farms, once again introduced the theory of the most appropriate configuration of belts.

At the beginning of the XIX century. welding iron begins to be used in metal structures, and after the advent of converter and open-hearth production, construction steels.

In the 40s. last century rolled in the form of shaped iron, I-beams and sheet, and gradually metal structures begin to take on modern forms. Rivets are used to connect the elements.

In factory construction of the XIX century. metal structures are widely used for coatings. At the end of the last century, bridge cranes appeared that influenced the structural shape of production buildings.

The First World and Civil Wars at the time stopped the development of metal structures. In April 1929, the XVI Party Conference adopted the first five-year plan for the development of the national economy, which intended unprecedented scale of construction.

Large-scale construction using time-personal metal structures was carried out in ever-increasing volumes before the outbreak of World War 1941-1945. During this time, the basic principles of the Soviet school of metal builders were formed: the creation of design solutions economical in terms of steel consumption while reducing the labor input for the manufacture of structures, as well as simplifying and accelerating their installation.

In the early 30s. welding began to be used for joints of metal structures, which, by the 40s, became widespread. Welding sharply advanced the development of metal structures: the structures became lighter, the labor intensity of production decreased, the joints and structural shape were simplified.

Metal structures played a large role in the Great Patriotic War, when it was necessary to build structures in remote areas in the shortest possible time with an acute shortage of labor.

The advantages of metal structures were manifested in the recovery period: disabled metal structures were repaired most easily and with the least cost; only 15: - 20% of the new metal was required from the mass of the structures being restored.

In the post-war period, metal structures are further developed. In industrial buildings, a unified step of load-bearing structures is approved, typical designs of individual elements of structures and entire structures are being developed. The theory of metal structures in the field of their calculation, optimal design, features of actual work is developing. Over the years, highly qualified design and research organizations have grown: the Central Research Institute of Design and Construction, the Central Research Institute of Building Structures named after V. A. Kucherenko, TsNIImodrodaniy, Gipromez, Promstroyproekt, Hydrostalproekt, Central Research Institute of Electric Welding named after Ak. E.O. Paton, Department on, departments of metal structures of construction universities, etc.

In recent years, metal has been used in large-span public buildings and in industrial buildings. There is an increasing use of one hundred and a high strength, as well as new rational rolled stock profiles in which welding is an advantageous and most common method of non-detachable connection.


In this work, a welded rafter truss of an industrial building was calculated and designed. An analysis was also made of the basic technology used to manufacture the welded truss, on the basis of which the technology was proposed using semi-automatic welding in the medium of carbon dioxide. Applied welding modes are calculated. A number of requirements applied to welding equipment and materials have been developed, based on the analysis, a choice of the equipment and materials used has been made. Improving the quality, safety and competitiveness of products is of great importance for the production of welded structures, which include a welded rafter truss intended for industrial buildings.

The need for this type of products was very high nowadays, because many industrial enterprises are building buildings, various hangars, supermarkets using welded farms.

Currently, a worthy place among competitors can be achieved using advanced production technology. Now in the market, competition between various companies, both Ukrainian and foreign, has intensified.

But foreign manufacturers are better adapted to this struggle, as they have many years of experience and a qualified staff. Our enterprises are still learning this, because the previous management of the economy did not provide for competition. In all industrialized countries, the State had adopted policies to regulate market relations in the areas of product safety for life, property and public health and environmental protection through the establishment of objective quality assessment systems for welded products. Due to the fact that the demand for this design is large, this is why the development of this bachelor's project is quite relevant and important today.

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Макеев ПриспособлениеПСК.БР.20.008.20.cdw

icon Макеев Узлы3ПСК. БР. 10.008.21.cdw

Макеев Узлы3ПСК. БР. 10.008.21.cdw

icon Макеев УСИЛИЯ1ПСК.БР.10.008.10.cdw

Макеев УСИЛИЯ1ПСК.БР.10.008.10.cdw

icon Макеев Ферма2ПСК. БР. 10.008.20 СБ.cdw

Макеев Ферма2ПСК. БР. 10.008.20 СБ.cdw

icon Тех процесс2ПСК. БР. 20.008.10. ТК1111.cdw

Тех процесс2ПСК. БР. 20.008.10. ТК1111.cdw

icon ЭкОНОМ расчетМАКЕЕВ ПСК.БР.30.008.10.cdw

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