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  • Added: 18.04.2015
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In this course project, in the discipline of Soil Mechanics, foundations and foundations, shallow foundations and pile foundations are calculated and designed. The necessary data on engineering and geological surveys, structures diagrams and current loads on design sections are given. Calculation of bases and foundations was carried out in accordance with regulatory documents

Project's Content

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icon Kursovoy_Itogo_2.docx

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Table of contents


1.  Foundations of shallow foundation on natural  base

1.1 Analysis of physical and mechanical properties of building spot soils 

1.2 Calculation of the foundation for the column

1.2.1 Selection of foundation depth for column without basement

1.2.2 Selection of foundation type and determination of its dimensions

1.2.3 Calculation of probable foundation settlement

1.2.4 Calculation of foundation body

1.3 Calculation of the tape foundation

1.3.1 Selection of foundation base depth

1.3.2 Selection of foundation and determination of its dimensions

1.3.3 Calculation of probable foundation settlement

1.3.4 Calculation of the tape foundation body

2. Pile foundations

2.1 Basic Provisions for Calculation and Design of Pile  Foundations

2.2 Calculation and design of pile column foundation (without basement ) (6-6 section)

2.3 Calculation of columnar pile foundation base

2.4 Calculation and design of pile strip foundation

(4-4 sections with basement)

2.5 Calculation of columnar pile foundation base

3. List of literature used


In this course project, in the discipline of Soil Mechanics, foundations and foundations, shallow foundations and pile foundations are calculated and designed. The necessary data on engineering and geological surveys, structures diagrams and current loads on design sections are given. Calculation of bases and foundations was carried out in accordance with regulatory documents

SnIP 2.02.0183 Foundations and Foundations

Snip 2.02.0385 Pile foundations

SniP 2.03.0184 Concrete and reinforced concrete structures

 Calculated load values for calculation of two groups of limit states (loads at the level of foundation cut)

Pile foundations

2.1 Basic provisions for calculation and design of pile  foundations.

Foundations from bored piles shall be calculated in accordance with the requirements of SNB 5.01.0199 for two limit states:

- according to the limit state of the first group (in terms of bearing capacity): in terms of strength - piles and pedestals, in terms of stability - bases of pile foundations;

- by limit state of the second group (by deformations) - bases of pile foundations.

Depth of pile bed sole laying is assigned depending on:

- availability of basements and underground communications;

- geological and hydrogeological conditions of the construction site (types of soils, their condition, the position of groundwater, etc.);

- depths of foundations of adjacent buildings and structures;

- possibility of soils heaving during freezing.

Drawings content

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