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Cylindrical Drawing Design


Cylindrical drawing design. 1. INPUT Design the drawing for the cylindrical hole A 40 H7 (+ 0.025) mm: the diameter of the drawing hole Do is 39 mm; part length L - 30 mm; part material - steel 40, 570 N/mm2 (57 kgf/mm2); horizontal-extension machine. The archive includes drawing, calculations and explanatory note

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icon Реферат по резанию Ратновский.docx
icon Kursovoy_proekt Ratnovskiy.docx
icon Протяжка Ратновский.cdw

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Design a drawing to sweep a cylindrical hole

∅ 40 H7 (+ 0.025) mm:

the diameter of the sweep hole Do is 39 mm;

part length L - 30 mm;

part material - steel 40.570 N/mm2 (57 kgf/mm2);

horizontal-extension machine.

Marking of rails

On the neck of the shank of each draw must be clearly applied;

a) trademark of the manufacturer;

0) designation of the carriage;

c) diameter and designation of the hole tolerance field;

d) the serial number of the haulage in the set;

e) limits of stretching lengths;

c) steel grade of the working part of the drawing;

g) year of manufacture.

Drawing Drawing of the Drawing

Based on the results of the calculation and in accordance with the technical requirements for carvings for cylindrical holes, a working drawing of carvings is developed.

Drawings content

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