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Coursework on TMC. Wheel fabrication


drawings, PP

Project's Content

icon Пояснительная записка.doc
icon Пояснительная запискан77гш.doc
icon Инструкция ТБ.doc
icon Карта ВхК.doc
icon карта эскизов 010.doc
icon карта эскизов 015.doc
icon карта эскизов 025.doc
icon карта эскизов 030.doc
icon карта эскизов 040.doc
icon карта эскизов 045.doc
icon карта эскизов 060.doc
icon карта эскизов 070.doc
icon карта эскизов 075.doc
icon карта эскизов общий вид_1.doc
icon карта эскизов общий вид_2.doc
icon Маршрутка_1.doc
icon Маршрутка_2.doc
icon Операционная карта 045.DOC
icon Титульный лист.doc
icon plot.log
icon Деталь (Г).bak
icon Деталь (Г).dwg
icon Деталь (Г).frw
icon Заготовка (Г).bak
icon Заготовка (Г).dwg
icon Заготовка (Г).frw
icon Приспособа.bak
icon Приспособа.dwg
icon Приспособа.frw
icon Сверло перовое.bak
icon Сверло перовое.dwg
icon Сверло перовое.frw
icon Спец. присп..dwg
icon Спецификация.bak
icon Спецификация.dwg
icon Схема движения 045.bak
icon Схема движения 045.dwg
icon Схема движения 045.frw

Additional information




1.1 Initial data

1.2 Part Design Assignment and Analysis

1.3 Processability Analysis

1.4 Definition of production type

1.5 Selection of workpiece and method of its production

1.6 Development of part processing route

1.7 Selection and justification of technological bases

1.8 Selection of equipment and means of technological equipment

1.9 Calculation of tolerances and inter-transition dimensions

1.10 Calculation of cutting modes

1.11 Rationing of part machining operation

1.12 Calculation of accuracy of operations

1.13 Economic justification of the developed process version


2.1 Description and calculation of designed accessory

2.2 Design of special cutting tool




Production efficiency its technical progress, quality of products in many respects depend on the advancing development of production of the new equipment, machines, machines and devices, on every possible introduction of methods of the technical and economic analysis providing the solution of technical questions and cost efficiency of technological and design developments.

Technological progress in mechanical engineering is characterized not only by an improvement in the design of machines, but also by a continuous improvement in the technology of their production. The development of new advanced processing processes helps to design more modern machines and reduce their cost.

In modern conditions, one of the serious problems facing domestic engineering is ensuring the competitiveness of products, which requires changing and improving the production technology of the product, using modern and more accurate equipment, new designs of cutting tools and technological equipment.

Practice has shown that it is more effective to improve the performance and quality of processing through the use of CNC systems (optimal control of processing modes, high accuracy of positioning of units, etc.). A significant effect can be obtained by conducting organizational and technical measures, as well as technological equipment for building flexible production systems.

The purpose of the project is to develop the process (TP) of making the Wheel in the conditions of serial production; select and justify the method of obtaining the workpiece, calculate cutting modes, rationalize operations, develop a special cutting tool and a special device, as well as give an economic justification for the profitability of using this method, based on the results of the whole conclusion.

To achieve this goal, the following objectives must be achieved:

1. Based on the analysis, assignments and characteristics of the part, choose a method for obtaining the workpiece and design its processing route based on the seriality of its production.

2. Calculate tolerances and cutting modes for machining the most accurate surfaces.

3. Generate PI operations, select equipment, cutting tool and tooling.

4. Design a special cutting tool and tool.

5. Rationalize transactions and calculate their cost.

Process Part

Source Data

The initial data for the course project are: the working drawing of the part with technical requirements, the annual production program - 5000 pieces, catalogs of equipment, tools, regulatory materials for calculating cutting and rationing modes, reference literature, used equipment - CNC machines.

Selection and justification of technological bases

One of the most important stages of process design is the selection of process bases, as this predefines the system of processing by setup.

Analyzing the terms of reference, the sketch of the part for the operation, we select the theoretical basing scheme and possible practical implementation schemes.

At the first, turning, operation 010, we install the blank in a 3-cam cartridge, the base will be the side surface Ø297 mm and the end of the part T.

On the second, turning, operation 015, the part is attached to the 3x cam cartridge behind Ø160 and at the end of K.

In the third, milling, operation 025, the part is attached to the milling fixture behind the machined surface Ø30 and at the end of T.

In the fourth milling operation 030, the part is attached to the milling fixture, behind the machined hole Ø160 and at the end K.

On the fifth, turning, operation 040, the part is attached to the 3x cam cartridge behind the treated surface Ø30 and at the end of T.

On the sixth, turning, operation 045, the part is attached to the 3x cam cartridge behind the treated surface Ø162 and at the end of K.

At the seventh, drilling, operation 060, the part is attached in the drilling device to the treated surface Ø153 and at the end of K is pressed by grips to the end of T.

At the eighth, milling, operation 070, the part is attached in the milling device to the machined surface Ø30 and at the end of T is pressed by grips to the end of T .

At the ninth, milling, operation 075, the part is attached in the milling device to the machined surface Ø162 and at the end of K is pressed by grips to the end of T.


As a result of the course project, the technology for manufacturing the wheel in the conditions of automated production was developed, as well as:

- process of wheel manufacturing is developed;

- necessary calculations of cutting modes, mechanical machining allowances and inter-transition dimensions, time standards for operations and transitions were carried out, the expected sinfulness of the part processing is determined;

- special accessory was designed, necessary power and accuracy calculations were carried out;

- a special cutting tool for processing the stepped hole was designed, strength calculations were made;

- economic justification of the developed version of the wheel manufacturing process is given.

The proposed process variant can be used as a typical process for industrial enterprises.

Drawings content

icon Деталь (Г).dwg

Деталь (Г).dwg

icon Деталь (Г).frw

Деталь (Г).frw

icon Заготовка (Г).dwg

Заготовка (Г).dwg

icon Заготовка (Г).frw

Заготовка (Г).frw

icon Приспособа.dwg


icon Приспособа.frw


icon Сверло перовое.dwg

Сверло перовое.dwg

icon Сверло перовое.frw

Сверло перовое.frw

icon Спец. присп..dwg

Спец. присп..dwg

icon Спецификация.dwg


icon Схема движения 045.dwg

Схема движения 045.dwg

icon Схема движения 045.frw