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Coursework on heat networks in Zhytomyr

  • Added: 20.11.2016
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1.1 Characteristic spozhivach_v і to a system teplopostachannya In this course proekt_ rozrakhovu¾tsya a system teplopostachannya to promislovogokomplex v_d is short it is central ї kotelno ї. Misce roztashuvannya ob'єktu - M. Zhytomyr. Rel¾f m_stsevost_ por_vnyano spok_yniya. Ґruntovі water on glibini is filled with heat meters not visible. Plot plan of readings in Figure 1.1. Mekhan_chny plant sklada¾tsya z such bud_vel: - galvan_chn_chny shop; - block dopom_zhny tsekh_v; - shop pokrittya; - ABK z pobutovy prim_shchennyam; - term_chny shop; - a garage on 6 avtomob_l_v; - a warehouse it is ready ї produkts і ї; For all primacy in the course project of the discipline "Heat-Stabilized" the beast of the viscounts roostrachunki vitrat heating on the opalenny, ventilation and garyache water-stabilized. Danni Rosrakhunku are vihidny Danim for the offensive Rosrakhunku. Vikhodyach z kl_matichny minds in zon_ proektuvannya, and takozh z urakhuvannyam to a rel¾f zemno ї measles in dan_y m_stsevost_ to be carried out a rozrakhunok temperature to a graf_k, rozroblya¾tsya the scheme of laying of teplovy hoop nets v_d virobnicho ї kotelno ї to spozhivach_v. For proektuvannya і vikonannya rozrakhunka sistem_ teplopostachannya ma¾mo nastupn_ vikh_dn_ Dunn і: 1. Mr. Roztashuvannya proyektuyuchoї systami - Mr. Zhytomyr; 2. gerelo heat plant - virobic opaluvalna boiler house; 3. palivo - natural gas; 4. jerelo waterstop kotelnoї - a system of state-drinking water supply, water vlashtovuє all vimogi pitnoї vody, carbonate hardness Lcd = 4.5 mg-eq/l; 5. characteristic of the heat-set system: - a type of heat transfer - water overheating; - a type of heat-set system - zakrita, chotiritrubna and dicotrubna. Chotiri pipelines laid along the main magistrali to ABK (two pipes for opalennya i ventilyatsії, and two pipes for GVP), up to our life - two pipelines (supplied by the first turn of the life of the coolant to the opalenny and ventilation) ; - temperature merezhno ї Vod in podavalny truboprovod_ τ1о = 130 ºC; - temperature merezhno ї Vod at zvorotny truboprovod_ τ2о = 70 ºC; - temperature merezhno ї Vod in podavalny truboprovod_ before a m_stseva a system teplopostachannya τ3о = 90 ºC; - water temperature from the main water pipeline tc = 5 ° C; - temperature garyachoї water at consumption of hot water residue th = 60 ° C; - roserachunkov temperature of ringing rub proyektnoї system of tzp = - 22 ° C; - roserachunkova temperature of the ringing plant proyektnoї system ventilyatsії tzp = - 9 ° C; - trivalism of the disgraced season, - 182 dib.

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