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Coursework - Industrial Site Calculation

  • Added: 28.03.2014
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Working site of industrial building. Drawings - Site Wiring Diagram. Main beam B2. Mounting joint. Shipping mark B2a. Column K1. Node A. 1 Sheet A1. There's a note.

Project's Content

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§1. Source Data

It is required

§2. Development of beam cage layout

§3. Load collection per 1 m2 of flooring

§4. Calculation of floor beam B

4.1 Design Diagram

4.2 Load collection

4.3 Static calculation

4.4 Material Selection

4.5 Selection of section

4.6 Geometric characteristics of the section

4.7 Check of accepted section

§5. Calculation of main beam B

5.1 Design Diagram

5.2 Load collection

5.3 Static calculation

5.4 Material Selection

5.5 Selection of main section

5.6 Assigning dimensions of the modified section. Table of geometric characteristics

5.7 Determination of section change location

5.8 Checks of accepted sections

5.8.1 By I group of limit states

5.8.2 Check for the 2nd group of limit states by deformation under normal operating conditions

5.9 Local Stability Checks

5.9.1 Local belt stability checks

5.9.2 Local wall stability checks

Check of wall stability in compartment I

Check of wall stability in compartment II

Check of wall stability in compartment III

5.10 Calculation of waist joints

5.11 Calculation of support ribs

5.11.1 Design of ribs on supports A and B

5.11.2 Sizing of support ribs based on crushing strength

5.11.3 Calculation of support ribs for stability in plane perpendicular to wall

5.11.4 Calculation of the weld connecting the twin rib along axis B to the wall

5.12 Calculation of mounting joint on high-strength bolts

5.12.1 General Instructions

5.12.2 Preliminary design development

5.12.3 Determination of joint location

5.12.4 Wall joint calculation

5.12.5 Calculation of belt joint

§6. Design and calculation of the attachment of the flooring beam to the main beam

§7. Calculation of column K

7.1. Calculation diagram, load definition, static calculation

7.2. Section selection and column stability check

7.2.1. Defining Branch Sections

7.2.2. Check of column stability relative to material axis X-X

7.2.3. Set the distance between branches

7.2.4. Check of stability relative to free axis of U-U

7.3. Calculation of connecting bars

7.3.1. Setting the Dimensions of Slabs

7.3.2. Defining Forces in Bars

7.3.3. Test of weld strength of slats

7.4. Calculation of the base

7.4.1. Sizing a Slab in a Plan View

7.4.2. Determination of plate thickness

7.4.3. Traverse Calculation

7.5. Head calculation

Drawings content

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