Course project "Installation of building structures"

- Added: 17.08.2012
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drawings, PP
Project's Content
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Additional information
1. Task. Main provisions of the course project
2. Characteristics of the object under construction
3. Specification of mounting elements
4. Selection of mounting devices and gripping devices
5. Selection of installation crane
6. Selection of optimal installation option and crane sets
6.1 Versions of installation cranes or their combination
6.2 Technical and Economic Indicators for Evaluation of Installation Crane Variants
7. Preparation of structures for installation
8. Installation of precast reinforced concrete structures
9. Alignment and temporary fixation of structures
10. Selection and calculation of vehicle requirements
11. Process Calculations
12. Safety precautions during installation works
13. Requirements for logistical resources
14. Requirements for materials and semi-finished products
15. Technical and economic indicators of the project
16. List of literature
Versions of installation cranes or their combination.
In order to select the optimal version of the installation crane or combinations of cranes for the installation of the building, at least two options must be considered. Each of them must consist of at least two cranes, ensuring the implementation of the corresponding private flow for the installation of structures, while observing the previously accepted installation methods, crane penetration diagrams, the number of elements mounted from one parking lot.
The comparability of the compared cranes and their combinations is a prerequisite for the use of the variant: the operating parameters of the cranes in each variant are determined for the same conditions. With the same scheme of cranes movement and parking, the sequence of structures installation from these sites, the compared versions of cranes in terms of their technical parameters should be the same or close to each other (the type of undercarriage, booms of the compared versions can be different).
Preparation of structures for installation
The composition of the operations involved in the preparation of structures for installation depends to a large extent both on the type of structures and on the adopted installation method. However, a number of operations during the preparation of structures for installation should be carried out without fail. When preparing for installation, it is necessary to check the mark of each structure, while installing its mass.
Structures to be supplied for installation shall be carefully inspected. During the inspection, cracks that appeared during transportation (during the installation method "from the wheels") are detected, the reliability of anchor bolts and mounting loops, as well as the presence and diameter of mounting holes for slinging are checked. Metal embedded parts shall be checked for correctness of their location and, if necessary, for presence of anticorrosion coating. Reinforcement outlets to be welded during installation shall be checked for no bends and damage during transportation or during storage.
Axial hairlines shall be applied to structures prepared for installation. During preparation, all structures should be cleaned of dirt, snow, ice; particularly carefully clean the surfaces to be joined. Metal embedded parts, if necessary, are cleaned from rust. After these operations, the structures are arranged and equipped with the necessary installation devices (stairs, scaffolding, platforms, braces, etc.).
At the same time as preparing the structures to be installed for lifting, it is also necessary to prepare the places of their installation on previously installed structures. Note here that rubbish of supported structures is cleaned, axial hairlines and edges, deformations, rust on embedded parts and reinforcement outlets in docking zone are checked. Elevations of abutment points of overlying structures are checked and, if necessary, they are brought to the required level by steel linings or concrete gravy. Preparatory operations also include preparation of gripping devices for lifting structures and checking their technical condition.
A certain part of the preparation of structures for installation is specific to their individual types. So, during the installation of columns, axial hairlines are applied: on foundations - on the upper planes of foundation cups and foundation blocks; on the column - at the level of the foundation top on two mutually perpendicular faces; at the level of the top of the columns - on two mutually perpendicular faces; on the side faces of the column - below the upper surface of the cantilever of the crane beam; on two sides of the console - along the axis of the crane beam; on the upper face of the crane console; on a steel support sheet located at the upper end of the column.
Installation ladders and scaffolds are hung on high columns (more than 15 m) in necessary cases at the level of crane cantilevers and head for installation and attachment of crane beams and bearing structures of coating.
If necessary, the column is tilted from the "flame" position to the "rib" position using special tilters or slings.
Axial hairlines on beams, girders and runs are applied on ends and on upper plane at ends. On adjusting and rafting trusses - at the ends and on the upper planes of the belts and ends.
Single trusses prepared for lifting are equipped at the upper belt level with screw struts for their use as temporary connections.
Installation of precast reinforced concrete structures
Prefabricated reinforced concrete structures are installed taking into account the specific features of reinforced concrete as a structural material. During installation, the following features are taken into account: the weight of prefabricated reinforced concrete elements is 3-4 times the weight of similar steel elements; often there are no parts fixing the design position of the units and joints; strength of elements at their different position in space is not equal.
In cases where the strength and stability of the mounted structures against loads acting during installation are ensured by welding of the mounting
connections, it is allowed (if specified in the project) to perform work on installation of structures of several floors (tiers) of the building without grouting of joints. At the same time, the necessary instructions on the procedure for erection of structures, welding of joints and grouting of joints should be made in the design.
When installing prefabricated foundations, the hairlines of the axes applied to them are combined with landmarks on the bases or a geodetic tool is used. Installation of foundations on bases covered with water or snow is not allowed. The grounds must be prepared.
During installation of columns, axes of lower ends are directed to hairlines of laying axes located on foundations or to hairlines of geometric axes of previously installed structures. Upper ends of columns are adjusted in two mutually perpendicular directions relative to laying axes. It is advisable to fix the design position of the columns with the help of spatial conductors, strictly adjusted and reliably fixed.
Temporary fixation of columns in sleeves of foundations is performed by means of conductors or wedges, which are removed after constant fixation of columns in units and installation of connecting elements. Installation of structures on columns resting on glass-type foundations is allowed only after soaking the columns in the cups and achieving concrete strength specified in the design, and in the absence of such instructions - not less than 70% of the design.
Trusses, beams, plates, panels are installed in the design position according to the accepted landmarks (risks, pins, stops, faces, etc.) or by fixing devices included in the structures. During installation of structures having reinforcement outlets in joints, their alignment with the reinforcement outlets in the structures to which they adjoin shall be ensured. The rafters of the coating are installed and fixed in the same sequence as the steel structures of the coating.
Slabs of coatings (floors) are laid on trusses or girders (beams) so that their ends have equal support areas. At that it is necessary to check correctness of plate ends on trusses and lights units. The procedure for laying the slabs on trusses or beams shall ensure the stability of the structures during installation and the possibility of welding the slabs to the trusses or girders in the places provided for by the design (at least in three corners of the slab). The following procedure for laying slabs is recommended: on reinforced concrete trusses with a gentle slope in the absence of lights - from one edge of the span to another, and in the presence of lights - from the edges of the span to the middle; on steel trusses and lamps - in accordance with the PPR (Job Instructions).
Installation of wall panels is started after installation and design fixation of building frame structures; order of their installation is determined in PPM in connection with installation of window opening filling structures. The height position of wall panels shall be determined by beacons or elevation risks. The wall panels should be placed vertically on two sides, longitudinal and end. Thickness of horizontal joints is fixed by installation of armo or asbestos-cement gaskets. Panels shall be permanently attached to the columns immediately after installation of each panel.
Structures placed on the bed from the solution and displaced from it during its hardening must be raised and, after cleaning the support surfaces from the old solution, re-installed on the fresh solution.
During transportation and installation, volumetric blocks of buildings, structures made of cellular concrete, open surfaces of insulation layers and factored surfaces must be cleaned of dirt and debris.

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