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Course project in the discipline "metal structures"


1. One-story production single-span building; 2. The support on the foundation columns is rigid; 3. The span of the building is 24 m.; 4. Crane lifting capacity Q = 100/20t; 5. Mode of crane operation is medium; 6. Number of cranes in span 2; 7. Elevation of crane rail head H = 10.67 m; 8. Zero elevation - level of clean floor; 9. The step of the frames is determined by the techno-economic comparison of the options; 10. Type and dimensions of enclosing structures: roof - roofless roofing type by railway flooring. Wall fencing of the structure - three-layer wall panels with steel lining with a thickness of 80mm; 11. The length of the building is 96m; 12. Snow construction area - I, Design snow load: 0.8kN/m2 13. Wind construction area - III; Standard wind pressure: 0.38 kN/m2

Project's Content

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Table of contents

1. Structural layout of steel frame

one-storey production building

1.1. Cross Frame Type Selection

1.2. Selection of building enclosures

1.3. Split Column Grid

1.4. Cross Frame Layout

1.5. Frame Step Selection

1.6. Development of communication diagram by frame

2. Calculation of the cross frame of the production building frame

2.1. Frame Design Diagram

2.2. Loads on the frame

2.2.1. Constant load

2.2.2. Snow load

2.2.3. Wind load

2.2.4. Load from bridge cranes

2.3. Static Cross Frame Calculation

3. Calculation of the stage column of the production building

3.1. Source Data

3.2. Determination of calculated column forces

3.3. Fitting a Column Top Section

3.3.1. Section Layout

3.3.2. Geometric characteristics of the section

3.3.3. Check of stability in the plane of moment action

3.3.4. Check stability from moment action plane

3.4. Fitting the Section of the Bottom of the Column

3.4.1. Check of branches stability

3.4.2. Calculation of the grid of the crane part of the column

3.4.3. Check the stability of the column in the plane of action of the moment as a single rod

3.5. Calculation and design of the column top and bottom interface

3.6. Column Base Calculation and Design

4. Calculation of rafter truss

4.1. Source Data

4.2. Collecting loads on the truss

4.3. Calculation of forces in truss elements

4.4. Calculation of rafter truss elements

4.5. Weld Calculation

5. Calculation of crane beam

5.1. Source Data

5.2. Load on crane beam

5.3. Determination of calculation forces

5.4. Select Beam Section

5.5. Section strength check

6. List of literature

Drawings content

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