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Construction of transport tunnels - course

  • Added: 06.01.2022
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Course project on the topic "CONSTRUCTION OF A RAILWAY TUNNEL" in the discipline "Construction of transport tunnels". The materials contain an explanatory note with a description of the methods of penetration used and a list of the equipment used. Drawings contain technological diagrams, as well as the necessary graphs and cyclograms. The course project was completed in 2020 as part of the specialty "construction of transport tunnels and subways".

Project's Content

icon СТТ пояснительная записка.docx
icon СТТ чертежи.dwg

Additional information


Selection and substantiation of tunnel construction method and lining structure

1.1 Analysis of initial data

1.2 Selection of tunnel construction method and scheme

2 Process diagram of tunnel construction. Placement of penetrating equipment in the tunnel

3 Selection of tunnel construction technology. Tunnel penetrating machines and equipment

3.1 Penetration of low strength soils according to ADECO-RS technology

3.2 Penetration of soils with medium strength using TRU

4 Substantiation of the method of soil development in the face, parameter calculations

4.1 Overview of ADECO-RS

4.2 Hydromolot in soils with strength f =

4.3 TRU in soils with strength f >

4.3.1 TRU calculation

5 Loading and transportation of soil and materials: selection of rock loading and transport machines

5.1 Justification of accepted mode of transport and PM

5.2 Pneumatic wheelbarrow

5.3 Rail Transport

6 Selection of temporary fastener: calculation of fastener passport parameters, design, installation technology

6.1 Determination of complex stability index for soils with strength f =

6.2 Determination of complex stability index for soils with strength f >

6.3 Selection of temporary support

6.4 Calculation of anchors

6.5 Calculation of arched support

6.6 Calculation of spray-concrete support

6.7 Selection of equipment for temporary support device

7 Waterproofing, primary and control injection

7.1 Waterproofing

7.2 Injection of solution per lining

8 Erection of cast-in-situ concrete and spray concrete linings: selection of equipment and its placement in the tunnel

8.1 Lining Construction Features for ADECO-RS

8.2 Selection of formwork

8.3 Selection of device for concrete mix feeding and laying

9 Selection and substantiation of the mine shaft construction method and lining design

9.1 Initial data

9.2 Group of soil conditions

9.3 Lining Design

10 Selection of mine shaft construction technology. Machines and equipment for mine shaft penetration

10.1 Wellhead Construction Technology

10.2 Barrel Construction Technology

11 Erection of prefabricated and combined linings in the shaft: selection of equipment and its placement in the tunnel

11.1 Equipment for erection of lining

11.2 Concrete Mix Laying Technology

12 Determination of capacity and required quantity of penetrating and concrete laying equipment

13 Devices and systems for tunnel construction

13.1 Drainage

13.2 Ventilation

13.2.1 Determination of ventilation volumes

13.3 Power supply, electrical equipment and electrical lighting

14 Fire safety

15 Quality Control and Work Acceptance

16 Work execution schedule and work penetration cyclogram

17 Industrial (technical) safety and safety measures during tunnel works

18 Environmental protection measures

List of literature used

Appendix A - MAP-DIAGRAM

Appendix B - MAP-DIAGRAM

Appendix B - Tables for selection of time support type

Appendix D - Graphic Part

Drawings content

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