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Construction of DeIron Treatment Station

  • Added: 01.03.2021
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The construction of a water depellation station with a capacity of 10.0 m ³/h.

Binding on the ground, with the connection of the water tower.

Project's Content

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Additional information



General Data

Chapter 1. General Information

1.1. Basis for design. Source Data

1.2. Current situation

1.3. Topographic, geological and hydrogeological conditions. Climate data

Chapter 2. Project proposals

2.1. Facilities and water supply scheme. Source Data

2.2. Fire fighting measures

2.3. Environmental protection and protection

2.4. Organization of safe traffic

Chapter 3. Design Solutions

3.1. Source Data

3.2. Space-planning and structural solutions

Chapter 4. Electrical part

4.1. General Information

4.2. Power supply

4.3. Security measures

4.5. Energy efficiency of design solutions

Chapter 5. Safety and Health Measures

Chapter 6. Proposals for operation and operation of the water supply system

Chapter 7. Technical and economic indicators on energy efficiency of the facility

List of attachments


Design Task







CHAPTER 1. General Information

1.1. Basis of Design

The basis for the development of the construction project "Construction of a defrosting station in n. settlement of the district "serves the decision of the Mogilev RIC on permission for construction and design.

The following materials and documents are used in the development of the project:

1. Architecturally - planning task.

2. Conclusion on land allotment for construction.

3. Technical conditions of interested services.

1.2. The current situation.

Currently in n.p. the area is supplied to consumers from 2 existing artesian wells with a capacity of 31.3m3/h, there is an existing water tower with a volume of 25m3.

The project envisages the construction of a container-type water de-gelation station with a capacity of 10 m3/h for the purification of source water from existing wells. The flushing water is discharged to the existing sewage system. The filters are flushed with clean water from the water tower.

The laying of the network section on the territory of the military unit to the guard building was designed by horizontal drilling, in connection with a large network of communications in this section.

1.3. Topographic, engineering and geological conditions and impacts. Climate data.

Engineering and geological surveys were carried out in September of this year.

The survey site is located in the region.

The tasks of the surveys are to study the engineering and geological conditions of the site, establish normative and design values ​ ​ of soil characteristics, obtain initial data for the design of foundations.

The planar-high-altitude binding of the mine is made in the local coordinate system and the Baltic altitude system. Engineering and geological workings were transferred to nature by promoters from clearly marked contours of the topographic plan scale 1:500 Height and coordinates are determined graphically by topoplane scale 1:500.

The well is located in the center of the designed de-gelation station, taking into account the possibility of access of the drilling rig to the place of work.

Geomorphologically, the survey site is located on the moraine plain.

The surface is flat, planned with bulk soil, the absolute elevation at the well head is 171.70 m. The surface runoff conditions are satisfactory. Unfavorable geological processes have not been established. A plant bed with a capacity of 0.05 m was opened at the drilling site of the well.

The geological structure involves:

Man-made (artificial) formations (thIV) are represented by bulk soil of dark gray color and consists of granular sand, with the inclusion of gravel and pebbles up to 5%. Drained (dumps) without compaction. The backfill age is more than 5 years. Bulk soil is low moisture. The bulk soil capacity is 2.95 m.

Moraine deposits (gIIsz) lie from a depth of 0.3 m and are represented by clay and sandy soils.

Clay soils lie in the upper and lower parts of the cut and are represented by sandy loams and loams of red-brown color, soft-plastic, plastic and hard consistency, with layers of low-moisture and wet sand, with the inclusion of gravel and pebbles up to 35%.

At a depth of 2.0 m with a capacity of 0.4 m, a dusty dusty slurry of light gray color, plastic consistency, with layers of wet sand, lies.

Sandy soils are opened in the middle part of the section at a depth of 2.4 m and are represented by sands of small and medium yellow and grayish-yellow color, with the inclusion of gravel and pebbles up to 35%. The sands are low-moisture and wet.

The opened capacity of moraine deposits is 7.2 m.

The normative depth of seasonal freezing of soils according to the State Hydromet of the Republic of Belarus is: for loam - 107 cm, for loam, small sands - 131 cm, medium sands - 140 cm.

CHAPTER 2. Project proposals

2.1. Facilities and water supply scheme. Source data.

The water supply facility on the designed site is the territory adjacent to the military unit of the district. According to the TAP 452.02-138-2009 the designed water supply system belongs to the III category by the degree of water supply availability.

The decisions taken in this project will ensure uninterrupted water supply to consumers with water of the necessary quality.

According to the auction bidding, the supplier will supply a water treatment system: a container-type de-iron treatment station with a capacity of 10.0 m ³/h .

The material of the pipes of the designed water pipeline is polyethylene, sewage of flushing water is PVC. Minimum depth: water supply (to the top of the pipe) - 1.80 m. Flushing water from filters is drained to the existing sewage network.

2.2. Fire fighting measures.

Polyethylene pipes belong to hazard class IV as per GOST 12.1.00588. Pipes belong to "combustible" group as per GOST 12.1.04489. Ignition temperature of pipe material - not lower than 300 ° С .

External fire extinguishing is carried out from existing fire hydrants. The water flow rate for external fire extinguishing is 15 l/s.

2.3. Protection and protection of the environment.

In order to ensure the preservation and rational use of a fertile layer of soil during construction work, plant soil is cut and stored in places that do not interfere with construction.

Upon completion of construction and installation works, the plant layer is restored.

Pine, located in the immediate vicinity of the 2nd lift pump station building, will be demolished according to the timber ticket No. 1127 dated August 19 before the construction of the facility by the customer and the demolition of the tree is not included in the design documentation.

Under operating conditions, water pipes made of polyethylene and sewage pipes from PVC do not release toxic substances into the environment. During transportation of drinking water do not change its organoleptic properties. Strut pipes for destruction in atmospheric conditions subject to operating conditions.

2.4. Organization of safe traffic

For the period of construction, in order to ensure safe traffic, the project, in agreement with the traffic police, provides for the installation of the necessary road signs with a retroreflective surface.

The project provides for the transition through the highway in a closed way by the method of horizontally directed drilling.

CHAPTER 3. Design Solutions

3.1 Initial data

The construction project was developed on the basis of the design task.

The scope and composition of the construction project comply with the requirements of SNB 1.03.0296 "Composition, Procedure for Development and Approval of Design Documentation in Construction."

When developing the section, the following requirements are taken into account:

- Item 1603 to SNB 5.01.0199 "Earthworks. Foundations bases. Performance of works ";

- TKP 454.01-32-2010 (02250) "External water supply networks and structures. Construction Design Codes ";

- TKP 454.01-29-2006 (02250) "Water supply and sewerage networks from polymer pipes";

- TKP 452.02-138-2009 (02250) "Fire water supply. Construction Design Codes.

TKP 454.01-31-2009 "Water treatment facilities"

3.2. Space-planning and structural solutions

To accommodate water treatment equipment, a blockcontainer is proposed, made on the basis of a frame from a steel profile treated with an anticorrosive coating, with external dimensions 6200/2500/3000 cm. Door in anti-vandal design, galvanized insulated 2100x1100mm.

The package includes the following equipment:

- pressure filters (filtering charge - fractionated quartz sand, hydroanthracite, gravel) - 2 pcs:

- automatic system operation control panel with ZRA set;

-to heat the container electric convector "Thermia" -2 pcs.

- "Remeza" compressor unit - 2 pcs.

- UOVUFTA1101 water disinfecting installation - 2 pieces.

Container unit is made on the basis of carcass from steel profile treated with anticarrosion coating. Walls and ceiling - sheet assembly from metal profile with insulation 100 mm thick.

Heating inside the container - convective (design temperature + 5 ° С in winter) - 3kW.

The following are arranged through water supply networks:

- water pit - 5 pcs.;

- sewage pit - 3 pcs.

Crossing by the pipeline of walls of wells is provided by means of PE of a sleeve SDR21 Ø160x7.7. Clearance between case and pipeline is closed with concrete.

CHAPTER 4. Electrical part

4.1 General information.

Power supply of the facility "Construction of a deiron treatment station in n. Golynets of the Mogilev district "was developed on the basis of technical specifications No. 28/31 of 13.09.2016 issued by MSRES, architectural and construction drawings and in accordance with the current documents:

- PUE "Electrical Installation Rules";

- TKP 3392011 (02230) "Electrical installations for voltage up to 750 kV. Power lines for air and current conductors, switchgear and transformer substations, electric power and battery plants, electrical installations of residential and public buildings. Electrical safety regulations and protective measures. Electricity accounting. Acceptance Test Standards ";

- SNiP 3.05.0685 "Electrical devices";

- "Uniform technical guidelines for the selection and use of electrical cables";

- TKP385 "Design standards of external electric power supply networks with voltage of 0.410 kV of agricultural purpose."

- GOST 30331.1... 995 "Electrical installations of buildings. Safety Requirements ";

- GOST 30331.10... 152001 "Electrical installations of buildings. Safety requirements. "

Container station for dehydrogenation of water is manufactured

The container is an assembly of sandwich panels (galvanized tin outside and inside with synthetic insulation between the surfaces).

According to the degree of reliability of the power supply, in accordance with the specifications, the de-gelation station belongs to consumers of category II.

The energy consumption is accounted for by an electronic meter installed at the de-gelatinization station.

Networks of power supply of 0.4 kV from the existing TP220 to I LIE to the station of deferrization are executed by a cable of brand AVBBSHV 4х16.

On the approach of the line to the existing TP220 in a radius of 5 m, protect the cable with a protective signalling tape, in other areas, except for the intersection sections, with a signal tape. The use of clay hollow and silicate bricks is not allowed (PUE item 2.3.83.).

Cables must be sprinkled with a layer of earth that does not contain stones, construction debris, etc., at a distance of 250 mm from the cable (vertically), then a signal tape is laid.

Sections of the connected belts on the route overlap (overlapping) by 400 mm.

Cable laying in trenches and structural execution of intersections and approaches to engineering networks are carried out in accordance with chapter 2.3 of PUE and arch. No. 1.105.03tm of Belselelektrosetstroy OJSC.

At the intersection with underground communications, lay cables in a polyethylene pipe and seal them on both sides with jute interwoven cords covered with waterproof (mint) clay (arch. # 1.105.03tm12). Pipes shall protect the cable at the entire intersection and 2 m on both sides .

When the cable crosses the pipelines, the distance between the cable and the pipeline must be at least 0.5 m.

In case of parallel laying, the horizontal distance in the light from the designed cable line to pipelines, water supply, sewage and drainage shall be at least 1 m.

When the designed cable line crosses an existing power cable, the cables shall be separated by a layer of earth with a thickness of not less than 0.15 m, at the same time the designed cable shall be laid in a polyethylene pipe in the entire intersection area plus 1 m in each direction.

To lay cables VRUn1, VRU-n2 in one trench, in the earth at a depth of 0.71 m from a planning mark of the earth. At parallel laying of cables VRUn1, VRU-n2 the distance between them across in light has to be not less than 100 mm.

When crossing the projected cables with the existing telephone sewer, the cables shall be laid under the telephone sewer.

Cables laid below 2 meters from ground level (floor) shall be protected against mechanical damage.

In accordance with the requirements of TKP 3362011, the lightning protection device of the de-gelation station is not required.

At the exit from the ground, protect the cable line with a steel pipe at least 2 m above ground level and 0.3 m underground.

Cable entry into the building shall be made in steel pipe sections of ∅50 mm.

4.2. Power supply

According to the degree of reliability of power supply, the electric receivers of the de-iron treatment station belong to consumers of category II.

Working drawings of power supply solved the following issues:

- power supply to the de-iron treatment station;

- grounding network of de-iron treatment station;

- rearrangement of TP220;

- separation of PENconductor into N and PE at the input to the building.

Source of power supply is the existing 2х400 kVA TP220.

The design load of the degreasing station is 6.4 kW.

The annual electricity consumption is 22,400.

Specific consumption of electricity per unit of production capacity is

0.0,172 kWh/m3.

The schematic diagram of the de-gelation station is provided and developed by SOOO Aquarius Aquarius.

Perform re-grounding of PE of BRU bus at the input to the building. The re-grounding circuit shall be a designed circuit consisting of two vertical electrodes (steel f12 mm, L = 5 m) connected to each other by steel strip 4x25. Horizontal electrodes are laid at a depth of 0.5 m from the ground surface. Deepen the strip by 0.5 m from ground layout elevations and connect it with specified steel with PE bus of BRU. The grounding elements shall be connected to each other by welding. The number of vertical earthing terminals of the external earthing circuit is specified at the construction stage using the measurement data performed at the facility .

Wire and cable passages through walls shall be made in pipe, opening, etc. Clearances between wires, cables and pipe shall be sealed with easily removable mass of non-combustible material.

In accordance with paragraph 2.25 of SNiP 3.05.0685, after electrical installation work, seal holes, sockets, furrows, niches, straps and sockets with a degree of fire resistance equal to the fire resistance of the corresponding elements of building structures.

Grounding of electrical equipment shall be performed by specially laid protective conductor according to GOST 30331.395 .

Before the start of earthworks, call representatives of organizations having underground communications to clarify possible intersections, as well as obtain technical conditions for the performance of works and their strict execution.

Perform all electrical installation works in accordance with the requirements of PUE, TKP 4272012 "Safety Rules for Operation of Electrical Installations," SNiP 3.05.0685 "Electrical Devices."

4.3 Safety Measures

All open conductive parts of electrical equipment that may be energized due to insulation damage shall be covered.

Use a zero protective PE conductor for protection.

In the building of the de-iron treatment station, perform the potential equalization system by connecting the PENconductor of the supply network, the designed re-grounding circuit, the potential equalization circuit, steel pipes, metal structures of the building and conductive parts of the process equipment to the main grounding bus (strip steel 4x25, GOST 1032006). Copper bus PE10/1 (6x9x70mm) is used as GWZ.

Calculation of risk elements for the station as a result of lightning strike in it was made in accordance with TKP 3362011 "Lightning protection of buildings, structures and utilities." With the sum of all risk elements, the risk R1 does not exceed the permissible value (R1 = 6, 2x107 < 105). Based on the calculations of risks, lightning protection of the station is not provided. To protect against static electricity, connect the metal frame of the de-gelatinization station to the grounding terminals of station f8 in two diametrically located points.

4.4 Energy efficiency of design solutions

- In order to minimize the loss of electrical energy, the sections of the supply conductors are taken according to the calculation taking into account the minimum losses and disconnection at single-phase short circuit.

- In addition, the project provides for the most energy-efficient method of laying power grids.

CHAPTER 6. Proposals for operation and operation of the water supply system

External water supply is designed from polyethylene pipes, flushing sewage - from PVC pipes. The service life according to the Provisional Republican classifier of fixed assets and their standard service life is 50 years.

Upon completion of construction and commissioning of the facility, the Contractor shall hand over to the Customer the design documentation together with the hydraulic test acts, hidden works acts and as-built survey.

The main tasks of proper operation of networks are:

- ensuring operation reliability;

- Elimination of accidents as soon as possible and thorough investigation of their causes in order to prevent future accidents;

- timely and benign carrying out of current and major repairs within the terms established by the effective instruction.

The network maintenance works include:

- systematic check of the technical condition of the well fittings;

- systematic bypass and inspection of networks;

- detection of leaks and other faults;

- preparation and implementation of winter operation of the network;

- pipeline flushing;

- Emergency response;

Sanitary supervision authorities monitor the sanitary condition of the network by taking water samples for analysis at various points.

The estimated time to eliminate the accident on the pipeline of the water supply system of category II is accepted - 10 hours (TAP 452.02-138-2009 p. 8.2) - at a depth of less than 2 meters.

Drawings content

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