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Construction of a shopping and entertainment center June, Krasnoyarsk

  • Added: 03.07.2014
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Project's Content

icon 1.docx
icon 2-3.dwg
icon план.dwg
icon Уважаемые председатель и члены государственной аттестационной комиссии вашему вниманию предоставляется дипломный проект по теме.docx
icon Введение.docx
icon Заключение.docx
icon Министерство образования Российской Федерации.doc
icon Обоснование места строительства.doc
icon отделка стен.docx
icon Приложение А.docx
icon Приложение.docx
icon РЕЦЕНЗИЯ.doc
icon СОДЕРЖАНИЕ.docx
icon Список используемой литературы.docx
icon КЖО-фундаменты.dwg
icon Копия (3) Пояснительная записка (готовая).doc
icon Copy of ферма.SPR
icon Копия рама.SPR
icon рама без снега.P22.txt
icon Сбор нагрузок по перекрытиям (Восстановлен).docx
icon ферма.SPR
icon Чертеж1.dwg
icon элемент фермы.docx
icon ТОСП.docx
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icon bazaar.jpg
icon Атриум.jpg
icon вид.jpg
icon гостиница кенпински.jpg
icon июнь.jpg
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icon питерский мостик.jpg
icon плаза.jpg
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icon торговый квартал.jpg
icon хамелеон.jpg
icon Чертеж1.bak
icon Чертеж1.dwg

Additional information



Socio-economic justification for the choice of the topic of the diploma project

1. Architectural and construction solutions

1.1 Description of the construction site

1.2 Characteristics of the construction site

1.2.1 Space-planning solution

1.3 Heat Engineering Calculation of Enclosing Structures

1.3.1 Heat Engineering Wall Calculation Thermal design of the outer wall (above 0.000) Thermal design of the outer wall (below 0.000)

1.3.2 Heating calculation of windows

2. Construction structures


2.2Computed transverse frame

2.2.1 Collection of loads on the frame Permanent loads Temporary loads Wind load

2.2.2 Stiffness characteristics

2.3 Calculation and Design of Frame Through Girder

2.3.1 Static calculation of rafter truss

2.3.2 Selection of cross sections of truss rods

2.4 Calculation and design of rafter truss units

2.5 Communication system

2.5.1 Coverage Links

3. Bases and foundations

3.1 Construction Site Characteristics

3.1.1 Geological structure

3.1.2 Pile depth and pile length selection

3.1.3 Determination of bearing capacity of drilling pile

3.1.4 Determination of number of piles in foundation

3.1.5 Check for bearing capacity

3.1.6 Check of pile pile for pressing by column

3.1.7 Pedestal Design

3.2 Design of foundation from driven piles

3.2.1 Selection of pile depth and pile length

3.2.2 Determination of load capacity of driven pile

3.2.3 Determination of number of piles in foundation

3.2.4 Check of piles by bearing capacity

3.2.5 Check of pile pile for pressing by column

3.2.6 Pedestal Design

3.3 Selection of Optimal Foundation Option

4. Technology of construction production

4.1 Scope of application

4.2 Organization and procedure of works execution

4.2.1 Execution of main works

4.3 Quality Control and Work Tolerances

4.4 Acceptance of works

4.5 Static pile test

4.6 Daylight saving time

4.7 Safety Instructions


List of literature




Frame Calculation in SCAD


Frame calculation in SCAD program (without snow load)


SCAD Farm Calculation


Space Explication


Wall Finish List


Diploma project on the topic: "Construction of the shopping and entertainment center" June "on the embankment of the Yenisei River in the Soviet region. 2 Section: Architectural and structural solution of the building and its economic justification, "was developed on the basis of the design task, architectural and planning task and other initial data and is presented in the form of a graphic part and an explanatory note .

The graphic part consists of 11 sheets, including:

-technological map for drilling piles arrangement;

- floor plans at el. 11,400;

- facade on axes of A-highway and a section on A-highway axis;

-engineering-geological section;

-pile arrangement diagram;

- pedestal plan;

-Rejection along axis A-P and truss units;

- Truss units and steel specification;

- Communications of a covering in axes Zh-P and the layout of columns of a framework in Zh-P axes;

- Infrastructure of shopping complexes in Krasnoyarsk;

- Map of distribution of shopping centers in Krasnoyarsk;

The calculation and explanatory note reflects issues on architecture, constructive solutions, foundations and foundations, technology of construction production, as well as issues of labor and environmental protection.

The following programs were used to run the project: Microsoft Office package (Word, Excel), Autodesk Autocad 2008, SCAD Office package (SCAD, Forum, VecPT), Adobe Photoshop CS.


This year is a turning point in the development of the Krasnoyarsk market of shopping centers and shopping centers: European-level facilities began to appear in the city. What happens next depends on how long the economic downturn drags on. At the moment, the city is able to absorb at least another shopping center on the right bank. The rationale for this opinion is as follows: if you turn to the map, you can see that the left bank is more mastered - not only in terms of the volume of retail space, but also in their quality. On the right bank, the main facilities are the Krasnoyarsk shopping center and complexes designed for a buyer of the lower-middle segment - KrasTPP and Mega, and therefore the construction of a shopping center on the right bank will be advisable.

During the degree design process, architectural and technical solutions were carefully worked out.

Drawings content

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