Construction of a main gas pipeline with development of a crossing over a highway
- Added: 18.10.2024
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Title page
Assignment for course project
Explanatory note
Introduction 3
1 General part 5
1.1 Characteristics of the main gas pipeline section and the intersecting highway 5
1.2 Methods for constructing crossings over highways 6
1.2.1 Open method of laying a protective casing under highways 7
1.2.2 Closed method of laying a protective casing under highways and railways 17
1.3 Selecting a method for constructing a road crossing 34
1.4 Safety precautions during the construction of a road crossing 38
2 Calculation part 42
_ 1001_2.1 Hydraulic calculation of a gas pipeline section to determine the diameter 42
2.2 Determination of the wall thickness of a gas pipeline section 48
2.3 Calculation of protective case at the crossing over the highway 51
List of sources used 58
Report for the defense of the coursework
Drawing 1 - Plan and profile of the gas pipeline route and across the highway
Drawing 2 - Design of the gas pipeline crossing across the highway
Project's Content
чертеж 2 пдф.pdf
чертеж 1 пдф.pdf
3-4 Задание на КП.docx
1 титул КР общий тот же самый.docx
чертеж 1.cdw
2 Ведомость.docx
6-59 Пояснит записка.docx
5 Титульник пояснительной записки.doc
чертеж 2.cdw
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