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Construction and calculation of the car Lexus Lx 570


Calculation of the car Lexus Lx 570 - course work

Project's Content

icon машинка 2.cdw
icon всх2.cdw
icon KiRA_PZ 4.docx
icon titulnik.docx
icon силовой баланс.cdw
icon динхар.cdw

Additional information


1. Introduction

2. Calculation of vehicle design parameters and performance parameters

2.1. Wheel formula of the car

2.2. General layout diagram and prototype vehicle

2.3. Mass characteristics of the car

2.3.1. Mass distribution by axes

2.3.2. Center of Mass Coordinates

2.4. Tyre selection

2.5. Determination of the main characteristics of the car and engine

2.5.1. Determination of engine power and construction of external speed characteristic

2.5.2. Determination of the main design parameters of the engine

2.6. Determination of vehicle transmission parameters

2.6.1. Gear ratio of the main gear

2.6.2. Determination of transmission ratios

2.7. Power balance of the car

2.7.1. Power balance diagram and traction characteristic of the car

2.7.2. Dynamic Factor and Dynamic Car Passport

3. Conclusion

4. List of literature used

1. Introduction

This course work serves to consolidate and systematize the knowledge obtained during the study of the discipline "Design and Calculation of Cars."

According to the received terms of reference, it is necessary to calculate the design parameters and operational parameters of the car. The results of the calculations should be as close as possible to the prototype.

The course work consists of two parts: an explanatory note and a graphic part. The graphic part consists of four drawings of A3 format:

- general view drawing of the ATS prototype;

- drawing of external speed characteristic graph;

- power balance diagram drawing;

- Dynamic car passport drawing.


As a result of this course work, a calculation was made, in accordance with the requirement of the technical specification, design parameters and performance indicators of the car. These parameters have only minor deviations from the parameters of the selected Lexus Lx 570 AWD prototype.

Thanks to this course work, I consolidated and systematized the knowledge gained in the study of the discipline "Design and Calculation of Cars"

Drawings content

icon машинка 2.cdw

машинка 2.cdw

icon всх2.cdw


icon силовой баланс.cdw

силовой баланс.cdw

icon динхар.cdw


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