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Comprehensive mechanization coursework


The SCHEME of COMPLEX MECHANIZATION of PRTS of WORKS FOR BREAKBULK CARGOES ON the FOLLOWING BASIC DATA the Size of annual freight traffic - 150 thousand tons. A look and characteristic of cargo - a container of 10 tvneshniya transport - a railway platformasrok of storage - the 15th sutokrezhy works - 5-day the slave. nedelyadlina of the route - 1000 mkoeffitsiyent unevenness of a cargo stream - 1.2 Structure of archive: explanatory note, drawings of the scheme of complex mechanization and spreader, specification.

Project's Content

icon Схема комплексной механизации.cdw
icon Записка.doc
icon Спецификация.cdw
icon Спредер.cdw

Additional information




Development of integrated mechanization schemes

Calculation of warehouse complex

Selection of rational integrated mechanization scheme based on

technical and economic indicators

Calculation of the main technical and economic indicators selected by

integrated mechanization diagrams

Spreader (load gripper)



One of the effective ways to increase labor productivity and profitability of production in general is integrated mechanization and automation, and automation of loading, transportation and warehouse works (PRTS works), which employ hundreds of thousands of people in various industries, construction, transport and agriculture. The experience of a number of enterprises has shown the high economic efficiency of integrated mechanization and automation of PRTS works.

At the modern enterprise, a variety of tarn-piece, bulk and liquid cargoes are transported and stored. At some enterprises, the total range of cargo exceeds 100 thousand items. Transport storage systems (TCC) are created at the enterprises for cargo flow processing, which include continuous transporting machines, periodic machines, as well as various process equipment [3].

Drawings content

icon Схема комплексной механизации.cdw

Схема комплексной механизации.cdw

icon Спецификация.cdw


icon Спредер.cdw
