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Community Center - Diploma

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Thesis project. Drawings, DBE, Economics, Architecture, Ecology, TiOSP

Project's Content

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icon 1.Архитектура1.doc
icon 2.Расчетно-конструктивная часть.doc
icon 3.Основания и фундаменты1.doc
icon 4.ТиОСП.doc
icon Локальные сметы.doc
icon сметы.xls
icon 6.Безопасность и экологичность1.doc
icon 7.Научно-исследовательская часть1.doc
icon Список литер.doc
icon тит.зад.сод.введ..doc

Additional information

1.1. Introduction

The main purpose of architecture has always been to create the life environment necessary for the existence of a person, the nature and comfort of which was determined by the level of development of society, its culture, and the achievements of science and technology. This life environment, called architecture, is embodied in buildings that have internal space, complexes of buildings and structures that organize external space - streets, squares and cities.

In the modern sense, architecture is the art of designing and building buildings, structures and their complexes. It organizes all life processes. In its emotional impact, architecture is one of the most significant and ancient arts. The power of her artistic images constantly affects a person, because his whole life takes place surrounded by architecture. At the same time, the creation of a production architecture requires a significant amount of public labor and time. Therefore, the requirements for architecture along with functional feasibility, convenience and beauty include requirements for technical expediency and economy. In addition to the rational layout of the premises, corresponding to certain functional processes, the convenience of all buildings is ensured by the correct distribution of stairs, elevators, equipment and engineering devices (sanitary appliances, heating, ventilation). Thus, the shape of the building is largely determined by the functional pattern, but at the same time it is built according to the laws of beauty.

Cost reduction in architecture and construction is carried out by rational space-planning solutions of buildings, correct selection of construction and finishing materials, design facilitation, improvement of construction methods. The main economic reserve in urban planning is to increase the efficiency of land use.

Each type of public building is characterized by its own functional processes and their functional design requirements. For example, the functional requirements for the design of hospitals are determined by the scientific methods of the medical process and care of patients, the requirements for school buildings by the methodology of educational work.

Functional processes and functional design requirements for each type of public building determined by them are the result of scientific development carried out by specialists in the corresponding type of human activity.

A comparison of the different functional processes of public buildings shows that each of them has its own specific character, characteristic of only one particular type of activity of people, and the other part is common to various types of social and labor activities.

Specific functional processes are developed by specialists in relevant areas of activity. The general functional processes and related functional requirements include: social or labor activity of people and provision of the necessary space for it, movement of human flows and creation of traffic routes with the required parameters, visual perception and visibility, creation of a favorable air environment, light and solar regimes in the premises. The study of these requirements and the development of methods for designing buildings responsible for creating a favorable artificial environment belong to the field of professional activities of construction specialists.

In each building and room, the main functional processes (functions) and auxiliary (auxiliary) are distinguished. The auxiliary function in any room for another can become the main one. Both in the room and in the building as a whole, in addition to the main functional process, auxiliary ones are carried out. For example, in a training building, auxiliary functional processes are catering, management, and the like.

The set of requirements defines the scientific side of the design, which is based on a comprehensive study of the process taking place in the room. The set of requirements includes: physical and technical - to artificial environment, air environment, light and acoustic modes; technical - to the material embodiment of the spatial environment, including strength, stability and durability of load-bearing and enclosing structures, sanitary and engineering equipment, fire safety and, finally, architectural and artistic requirements for solving the appearance of the building and its interiors. The result of the study of these requirements makes it possible to establish the composition of rooms and their equipment, geometric parameters, grouping and interconnection of rooms, the direction of movement and values ​ ​ of human flows, the required physical parameters of the environment, as well as technical data for the design of structures, sanitary and engineering equipment of public buildings. The results of research are used in the development of albums of drawings of planning normals of individual rooms of public buildings of various purposes, which serve as an addition to the design standards.

Planning normals allow you to reflect not only functional requirements in them, but also to identify the geometric parameters of the planning elements of buildings (cells), to unify them, as well as to establish spatial proportions of rooms that meet architectural and artistic tasks.

The design of residential buildings is based on the principles of synthesis of functional, architectural, technical and economic aspects of architecture.

The principles of functional organization of internal space are as follows:

• Identification of relationships between individual premises while maintaining clear delineation;

• expediency in striving to best meet the material and spiritual needs of the collective of people at a reasonable minimum cost of construction and operation;

• space intended for the collective of people should have artistic properties and be built according to the laws of beauty.

The purpose of the design is to find such solutions that best meet their purpose, are fractional for the same or different activities of people, have high architectural and artistic qualities, provide buildings with strength, economy of construction and operation.

The main feature of public buildings is the variety of types and, therefore, functional processes, in some cases complex and associated with the use of special equipment. A distinctive feature is the concentration of a large number of people in them. In this regard, when designing public buildings, the task of correctly organizing the movement of human flows arises.

Special fire-fighting measures are also required to ensure safety for people and the safety of the building in the event of a fire.

A characteristic feature of public buildings is the combination of rooms in them with various geometric parameters (areas, heights). Rather small rooms (offices, working rooms) can be combined with rooms of the average size (classes, audiences, laboratories) and with big halls (visual, sports, trade).

The combination of rooms with various geometric parameters in the space-planning solution of the building should meet not only the requirements of functional, technical and economic feasibility, but also the architectural and artistic expressiveness of building external volumes and internal spaces.

An important feature of public buildings is their architectural and artistic solution. Depending on social and urban significance, public buildings can play the role of compositional centers of development, including large architectural ensembles and in combination with sculpture, painting, actively affect the consciousness of people.

1.2. General data

1.2.1. Public buildings.

Public buildings and structures are intended for institutions of cultural and consumer services of the population and for various types of social activities of people:

political, economic, administrative, scientific and other.

Public buildings and structures are a material base for a large number of events. This determines their importance in urban planning. The increase in public consumption funds, the expansion of cultural and consumer services for the population and the types of social activities of people also lead to an increase in the construction, improvement and creation of new types of public buildings and structures.

It is advisable to place public buildings and structures in cities in the system of so-called public centers: citywide and specialized, residential and industrial areas and recreation areas, as well as public centers of the microdistrict.

The city-wide centers house the largest public institutions: administrative buildings, cultural and art institutions (theaters, museums), trade and catering enterprises. Specialized centers house medical, scientific research, educational, exhibition and sports complexes of public buildings. Periodic services are available in residential areas

(food and industrial stores, canteens, clinics and others), in the centers of microdistricts - everyday

(grocery stores, household services and the like).

In Soviet urban planning for a long time, a step-by-step system was used to build a network of institutions for cultural and consumer services of the population, which provides for periodic and daily services with separate placement of trade and consumer services enterprises.

Over time, the shortcomings of the stepped system were revealed.

Small-scale trading enterprises did not allow the use of technical achievements in their equipment and the application of progressive forms of service limited the range of goods and services, and increased operating costs. In this regard, the so-called functional system for building service networks, with a division of trade and services into mass and special ones, is being developed. This system involves the consolidation of trade and household services enterprises, the creation of buildings of public shopping centers. The consolidation of enterprises significantly reduces the costs of building construction and operation .

Public buildings shall fully comply with their purpose according to their planning solutions.

necessary amenities for people, efficiency of operation, to have reasonable and economic structures and high architectural and artistic qualities. This is achieved by increasing the architectural, technical, economic level of design solutions for improving structures, the technology of their manufacture and installation, expedient use of materials, saving metal, cement, wood and replacing them with other effective materials, reducing the construction time, ensuring conditions - economical use of energy.

The social significance of public buildings and structures, the originality of space-wide solutions distinguish them from mass residential development and determine a special role in the development of populated areas. Public buildings and their complexes are often compositional centers of architectural ensembles of squares, streets, residential areas.

1.2.2 Classification of public buildings.

In terms of functional purpose and operational features, public buildings and structures can be divided into specialized and universal ones.

Specialized public buildings have the certain purpose, as a rule, which is not changing during the entire period of their operation (buildings of children's yasleysad, schools, hospitals, theaters and so on). Specialized public buildings, according to their purpose, are divided into groups, views and subspecies .

The group unites a significant number of public buildings that coincide in their general purpose. The view of the public building determines its main functional purpose, the subspecies - functional features.

Universal public buildings can be of two types.

The first includes multi-purpose buildings, in which rooms within several hours can be transformed for use for another purpose. The second type includes buildings in which you can periodically change the size of rooms and their grouping, as well as equipment, its arrangement in accordance with the improvement of functional processes. Both types of public buildings provide flexible efficient and economic exploitation and meet modern forms of social activity of people. Among the universal public buildings of the first type are: spectacular buildings with large-capacity halls, cinema concert complexes, film sectors, clubs and cultural houses with universal halls. The construction and equipment of such halls requires significant investments and one-time costs (for heating, air conditioning, electric lighting, etc.).

Universal public buildings of the second type are used for large trading enterprises, administrative, design and other organizations. The functional process in them is developing, changing and improving, which causes the need for periodic replacement of equipment, modification of premises and their grouping.

Periodic modification of premises in universal public buildings is achieved by special voluminous - planning solutions based on the use of enlarged spans and the pitch of load-bearing structures.

Studies have revealed the economic feasibility of placing several institutions in one relatively large building (blocking public institutions), as well as their co-operation, that is, joint use of part of the premises blocked in one building at different times of the day.

Blocking and co-operating small public institutions in one building ensures their more rational operation, saving space and volume of the building, reducing operating costs for maintenance personnel, heating, water supply and energy supply, as well as reducing the built-up area, the length of roads and utilities.

In addition, the replacement of smaller public buildings with larger ones on the basis of blocking and co-operating public institutions contributes to solving architectural and artistic problems related to the architectural and planning organization of public centers of small settlements and microdistricts. The advantages created by a flexible planning system and various forms of operation expand the scope of application of the principle of universality in public buildings.

Thus, for public institutions with a relatively stable functional process, the use of specialized buildings is advisable; for small public institutions - blocking and co-operating, for buildings with large rooms - it is advisable to use transformable halls and a flexible planning system.

1.2.3 Functional Processes and Features

Each type of public building is characterized by its own functional processes and their functional design requirements. For example, the functional requirements for the design of hospitals are determined by the scientific methods of the medical process and care of patients, the requirements for school buildings by the methodology of educational work.

Functional processes and functional design requirements for each type of public building determined by them are the result of scientific development carried out by specialists in the corresponding type of human activity.

A comparison of the different functional processes of public buildings shows that each of them has its own specific character, characteristic of only one particular type of activity of people, and the other part is common to various types of social and labor activities.

Specific functional processes are developed by specialists in relevant areas of activity. Common functional processes and related functional requirements include: social or labor activity of people and provision of necessary space for it, movement of human flows and creation of traffic routes with required parameters, visual perception and visibility, creation of favorable air environment, light and solar regimes in premises. The study of these requirements and the development of methods for designing buildings responsible for creating a favorable artificial environment belong to the field of professional activities of construction specialists.

In each building and room, the main functional processes (functions) and auxiliary (auxiliary) are distinguished. The auxiliary function in any room for another can become the main one. Both in the room and in the building as a whole, in addition to the main functional process, auxiliary ones are carried out. For example, in a training building, auxiliary functional processes are catering, management, and the like.

The set of requirements defines the scientific side of design, which is based on a comprehensive study of the process taking place in the room. The set of requirements includes: physical engineering - to artificial environment, air environment, light and acoustic modes; technical - to the material embodiment of the spatial environment, including strength, stability and durability of load-bearing and enclosing structures, sanitary and engineering equipment, fire safety and, finally, architectural and artistic requirements for solving the appearance of the building and its interiors. The result of the study of these requirements makes it possible to establish the composition of rooms and their equipment, geometric parameters, grouping and interconnection of rooms, the direction of movement and values ​ ​ of human flows, the required physical parameters of the environment, as well as technical data for the design of structures, sanitary and engineering equipment of public buildings. The results of research are used in the development of albums of drawings of planning normals of individual rooms of public buildings of various purposes, which serve as an addition to the design standards.

Planning normals allow you to reflect not only functional requirements in them, but also to identify the geometric parameters of the planning elements of buildings (cells), to unify them, as well as to establish spatial proportions of rooms that meet architectural and artistic tasks.

The design of public buildings is based on the principles of synthesis of functional, architectural, artistic, technical and economic aspects of architecture.

The principles of functional organization of internal space are as follows:

- Identification of relationships between individual premises while maintaining a clear distinction between them;

- Desirability in order to best meet the material and spiritual needs of the collective at a reasonable minimum cost of construction and operation;

- a space intended for a collective of people should have artistic properties and be built according to the laws of beauty.

The purpose of the design is to find such solutions that best meet their purpose, are fractional for the same or different activities of people, have high architectural and artistic qualities, provide buildings with strength, economy of construction and operation.

The main feature of public buildings is the variety of types and, therefore, functional processes, in some cases complex and associated with the use of special equipment. A distinctive feature is the concentration of a large number of people in them. Therefore, during design

public buildings have the task of properly organizing the movement of human flows.

Special fire-fighting measures are also required to ensure safety for people and the safety of the building in the event of a fire.

A characteristic feature of public buildings is the combination of rooms in them with various geometric parameters (areas, heights). Rather small rooms (offices, working rooms) can be combined with rooms of the average size (classes, audiences, laboratories) and with big halls (visual,

sports, trade).

The combination of rooms with various geometric parameters in the space-planning solution of the building should meet not only the requirements of functional, technical and economic feasibility, but also the architecturally artistic expressiveness of building external volumes and internal spaces.

An important feature of public buildings is their architectural and artistic solution. Depending on social and urban development significance, public buildings can play the role of compositional centers of development,

including large architectural ensembles and in combination

with sculpture, painting to actively affect the consciousness of people.

Drawings content

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