Chain Trench Design
- Added: 29.07.2014
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Additional information
1 Contents
2 Tractor description
3 Purpose and scope 5-
4 Initial data
5 Kinematic calculation
6 Traction calculation
7 Static calculation..... 12-
8 Calculation of excavator device... 14-
1 purpose and scope
Chain trench excavator based on tractor for opening of main pipelines is intended for development of soil of I... III category inclusive from sump previously developed by single-bucket excavator simultaneously on both sides of pipeline using copier device, without use of dripping and cleaning machines, for further operation of insulation machine .
It is equipped with a double chain working element for digging trenches, a mechanism for changing the position of the working element relative to the pipeline axis .
The excavator is used to open pipelines with a diameter of 520... 720 mm for subsequent repair of the pipeline.
2. Description of MTZ 82P tractor
Tractor MTZ 82P (Minsk), capacity 81 hp, carrying capacity NS 3t, wheelbase 4x4, weight 3.7 t.
The most famous tractor of the Minsk Tractor Plant. It has a drive for all wheels, a unified cockpit with a 60 kW D243 engine (81 hp) Gearbox - mechanical stepped with increasing gear 18/4, clutch: dry, single-disc, permanently closed.
Brakes: working dry, disc, parking dry-disc.
Steering: hydraulic volume, with dosing pump and hydraulic cylinder in steering trapezoid.
Front drive axle: portal type, with planetary cylinder gears, with self-locking differential, with three operating modes: off; is enforced; turns on/off automatically when the rear wheels are slid.
Electrical equipment: generator plant with capacity of 1000 W with rectified voltage of 14 V, rated start voltage of 24 V.
Cabin: Single-seat with reinforced protective frame, thermo-noise-insulated, visibility of the operator's workplace according to GOST ISO 500632000, equipped with a seat with a reverse mechanism, a microclimate normalization device according to GOST 12.2.120, rear-view mirrors, anti-sunflower visor, electric windshield wipers, windshield washers, lighting board, 743 glasses in accordance with GOST 588
Configuration: working front and rear headlights, flashing beacon, portal-type front axle.
Equipment on order: engine satisfying the environmental standards of TIR 1, clutch linings metal ceramic, catalog of parts and assemblies, running minimizer, cockpit air conditioning system, heater, Hydronic D5WSC diesel, front wheels 360/80R24, rear 480/80R34.
Здм общий вид траншеекопателя.cdw
ЗДМ Рабочий орган.cdw