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Calculation of ZIL checkpoint

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Calculation of ZIL checkpoint
Drawings and Note

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Technical characteristics

CHAPTER 1. Traction calculation of PBX

1.1. Calculation of required engine power

1.2. External speed characteristic of the engine

1.3. Determination of gear ratios of transmission elements

1.4. Construction of traction and dynamic characteristics of PBX

1.5. Construction of ATS kinematic diagram

CHAPTER 2. Calculation of subassemblies

2.1. Calculation of gears

2.3. Shaft calculation

2.4. Bearing calculation

CHAPTER 3. Assembly of the unit

3.1. Assembly and disassembly of gearbox


Bibliographic list


Car ZIL - 5301VE is designed for intercity and international transportation of various cargoes. The car is designed for operation on any paved roads and operation without a trailer, as well as for conversion into a specialized car. The car is designed for garless storage.

The car is designed for operation at ambient temperatures from - 45˚S to +40˚S, relative air humidity up to 80% at a temperature of 20˚S, dust content up to 1.5 g/m3, wind speed up to 20 m/s and in areas located at an altitude of not higher than 3300 m above sea level.

The purpose of this work is to calculate the gearbox for cars of the ZIL "Bull" family.

Technical characteristics of the car ZIL 5301-VE

Weight parameters and loads:

The equipped weight of the car, kg. 3695

Load on the front axle, kg. 2350

Load on the rear axle, kg. 4900

Total weight of the car, kg. 7195

Mass of transported goods, kg. 3500


Model D - 245.9E2 (Euro 2)

Type turbocharged diesel with intermediate supercharging air cooling

Rated power, net, kW 95.7

gross, kW 100

at crankshaft speed, rpm 2400

Maximum torque, net, N • m 456

At crankshaft speed, rpm 1400 - 1800

Arrangement and number of cylinders in-line, vertical, 4

Working volume, l 4.75

Cylinder diameter and piston stroke, mm 110/125

Compression ratio 15.1

Power supply system:

Fuel tank capacity, l 125

Electrical equipment:

Voltage, V 12

Batteries, V/AH 2x12/110

Generator, V/W 12/1540


Diaphragm type, single disc

Hydraulic drive with pneumatic booster


Model based on ZIL-130

Mechanical type, 5-speed

Mechanical, remote control

Gear ratios

The following gearbox scheme was chosen: a three-shaft five-speed gearbox similar to the gearbox of the ZiL130 car.

The gear ratio of the main gear is assumed to be equal to

The gear ratios in the gearbox are defined as follows:

Denominator of geometric progression:

The values of the remaining calculations are shown in Tables 1 to 9.

Calculation data at the remaining parameters are given in Tables 7-10.

Construction of ATS kinematic diagram

The car is rear-wheel drive with a longitudinal arrangement of the engine and gearbox and a 4x2 wheel formula. Dry single-disc clutch with peripheral springs.

The following sources were used to construct nodes and build a kinematic scheme:

• gearbox - [5];

• inter-axial differential - [5];

• main transmission - [5];

• bearing assemblies - [5].

Transmission calculation

4.1.Recalculation of gears

Condition of sufficient contact strength of active surface of teeth

where limit contact stress from single action of dynamic load, which can lead to damage of active surface of teeth.

Value is determined by Table 7.6 [1]

The results of the remaining calculations are shown in Tables 1518.

All gears pass through contact voltage.

Calculations on other transmissions are carried out in the same way, therefore, the results of subsequent calculations are summarized in tables 2.2.1 - 2.2.2

Note: To determine the reverse reactions, it is necessary to design Ptz., Prz. to vertical plane:

P′tz.kh.= - Prz.x. • sinα + Ptz.x. • cosα = 12,418 • sin 61, 13 ′ + 87,488 • cos 61, 13 ′

= 31,242 kN,

P′rz.kh.= Prz.x. • cosα-Ptz.x. • sinα = 12,418 • cos 61to 13 ′ - 87,488 • sin 61to 13 ′

= 70.698 kN,

where is an angle between the vertical plane and the contact plane of the reverse gear pair;

the sign "-" indicates the reverse direction of the force in relation to the calculation scheme.

Output shaft calculation:

Fig.2.1 Design diagram of output shaft

Definition of support reactions:

X0Z Plane

Moment relative to support a:

Calculations on other transmissions are carried out in the same way, therefore, the results of subsequent calculations are summarized in tables 2.2.1 - 2.2.2

Note: To determine the reverse reactions, it is necessary to design Ptz., Prz. to vertical plane:

P′tz.kh.= - Prz.x. • sinα + Ptz.x. • cosα = 12,418 • sin 61, 13 ′ + 87,488 • cos 61, 13 ′

= 31,242 kN,

P′rz.kh.= Prz.x. • cosα-Ptz.x. • sinα = 12,418 • cos 61to 13 ′ - 87,488 • sin 61to 13 ′

= 70.698 kN,

where is an angle between the vertical plane and the contact plane of the reverse gear pair;

sign "-" indicates the reverse direction of the force in relation to the calculated

Defining bending moments:

Vertical plane (see Fig. 2.8):

Calculations on other gears are carried out in the same way, therefore, the results of the calculations are summarized in Table 2.2.3

Calculation results for all transmissions are given in Table 3.4.9.

3. Assembly and disassembly of gearbox

The housing of the gearbox crankcase is not detachable, therefore, the shafts are assembled in series. First, an intermediate shaft assembled in the housing is installed, covers and sleeves of bearings are attached through adjusting gaskets. Then the output shaft of the gearbox is installed and attached to the rear support. A rear gear assembly with needle bearings is installed through the installation panel and fixed with an axle, and the axle is fixed with a cover. The primary shaft of the gearbox assembled with covers is installed and is attached to the housing through adjusting gaskets.

Gearbox cover is installed with gasket. Gearshift rods are fixed on the cover, sliders and gearshift forks are attached to them and fixed with bolts, bolts are connected with wire. Gearshift lever tip is fitted in gearbox cover case. Locking balls are installed in the cover, after which the cover of the gearshift lever is attached to the cover of the shift mechanism. The assembled mechanism cover is installed on the gearbox through a paper gasket. (Attention! Make sure gearshift plugs are in synchronizers slots during installation)

Disassemble in reverse order.


During the course work, the goals were achieved.

- Gearbox familiarization, design and calculation

- Deterministic calculation of the main elements of the gearbox design: Gears, Shafts and bearings.

- Execution of gearbox assembly drawing, specifications and 3 gearbox parts.

During the course project, the software on the Personal Computer was widely used:

MS Word;

MS Excel;


Electronic Auto Catalog AutoSoft.

As a result of the calculations, a gearbox was designed that meets the requirements of reliability, and high torque transmission.

Bibliographic list

1. Vysotsky M.S., Gileles L.K., Kherson S.G. "Trucks: Design and Basis of Design." 2nd ed., Redesign. and additional - M.: Engineering, 1995. - 256 s: il.

2. Bazhenov E.E. Car theory. Methodological guidelines for coursework for students of the specialty 15.01.00 "Car and Tractor Engineering." - Yekaterinburg: Department "Cars and tractors," 1997. – 66 pages.

3. "Course design of machine parts": a textbook for students of engineering specialties of technical schools/S.A. Chernavsky, K.N. Bokov, I.M. Chernin and others - 2nd edition of the conversion. and additional - M.: Engineering, 1988. - 416 p.: il.

4. Osepchugov V.V., Frumkin A.K. "Car: Analysis of structures, calculation elements": Textbook for university students in the specialty "Cars and automotive economy." - M.: Engineering, 1989. - 304 p.

5. Cars ZIL5301, -3250 and their modifications. Operation, Maintenance and Repair Manual/A.S. Kuznetsov. - M.: Publishing House Third Rome, 2006. – 216 pages.

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