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Calculation of load-bearing structures and construction of a beam cage in a monolithic and prefabricated version of a multi-storey building with an incomplete frame and load-bearing external walls

  • Added: 28.12.2022
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Coursework on ZhBK


1 Calculation of load-bearing structures and construction of a beam cage in a prefabricated version of a multi-storey building with an incomplete frame and load-bearing external walls. 9

1.1 Beam cage layout in prefabricated version. 9

1.2 Characteristics of the strength of concrete and reinforcement..  10

2 Design of a multi-hollow pre-stressed floor slab. 12

2.1 Layout of the dimensions of a multi-hollow floor slab. 12

2.2 Layout of the design cross-section of a multi-hollow pre-stressed floor slab. 13

2.3 Design span, loads, design scheme, determination of forces. 14

2.5 Calculation of the strength of the plate in cross-section to the longitudinal axis (Next pair) 18

2.6 Calculation of inclined sections.  22

2.7 Calculation of a multi-hollow plate according to the limit states of the second group.  23

2.7.1 Geometric characteristics of the reduced section. 23

2.7.2 Loss of pre-stress of reinforcement.  26

2.7.3 Calculation of the formation of cracks normal to the longitudinal axis. 27

2.7.4 Calculation of the deflection of the plate.  29

3. Calculation of the continuous crossbar. 30

3.1 Determination of the design scheme of the crossbar. 30

3.2 Purpose of the calculated span of the crossbar, loads and forces. 37

3.3 Purpose of the characteristics of concrete and reinforcement..  41

3.4 Selection of cross-sectional height of the crossbar. 42

3.5 Calculation of the strength of the crossbar by inclined sections.  48

4 Calculation of the centrally loaded column..  50

4.1 Assignment of characteristics. 50

4.2 Determination of the cargo area of the column.  51

4.4 Calculation of the strength of the middle column.  55

4.5 Column console calculation..  57

5. Calculation of the columnar foundation for the centrally loaded column. 59

6 Calculation of the brick wall. 66

6.1 Elements with mesh and longitudinal reinforcement.  66

6.2 Collection of loads on the bearing wall. 67

6.3 Determination of design forces. 68

6.4 Design characteristics. 69

6.5 Checking the bearing capacity of the wall. 70



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