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Calculation and construction of a vertical vessel with a jacket and a flat coil

  • Added: 09.05.2021
  • Size: 928 KB
  • Downloads: 4
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The course design made a selection of structural material, selection of bottoms and covers, determination of the design length of the shell, calculation of the shell under the influence of internal pressure, calculation of the bottoms and covers under the influence of internal pressure, selection and calculation of flange connections "shell-cover," selection of manhole and parameters, calculation of the jacket.

Content Introduction 1. Selection of structural materials 2. Selection and refinement of design data 3. Calculation of the bottom from the action of internal pressure 4. Calculation of the cover from the action of internal pressure 5. Calculation of the shell from the action of internal and external pressure 6. Calculation of the coil 7. Calculation for the strength of the coupling "shell bottom 8. Selection and calculation of the flange joints.

Archive composition: Vertical vessel (SS), Shell (SS), Detail (bottom, flange, cover), Specification (1,2), DBE, Cover

Project's Content

icon ._.DS_Store
icon ._PZ.docx
icon ._Spetsifikatsia_obechayka.doc
icon ._Spetsifikatsia_vertikalny_sosyd.doc
icon ._TITULNIK.docx
icon .DS_Store
icon Dnische.cdw
icon Flanets.cdw
icon Kryshka.cdw
icon Obechayka.cdw
icon PZ.docx
icon Spetsifikatsia_obechayka.doc
icon Spetsifikatsia_vertikalny_sosyd.doc
icon TITULNIK.docx
icon Vertikalny_sosud.cdw

Additional information



Selection of Structural Materials

Selection and refinement of calculation data

Calculation of the bottom from the action of internal pressure

Calculation of the cover from the action of internal pressure

Calculation of shell from internal and external pressure

Coil calculation

Coupling strength calculation "bottom shell

Selection and calculation of flange connections "shell-cover"

Selection of manhole

Degree of unification and standardization

List of GOST used


List of used literature



The project on the topic "Calculation and design of a vertical vessel with a jacket and a flat coil" consists of 26 sheets of explanatory note and 6 drawings .

The purpose of this course work is to develop, design and calculate a vertical vessel. Course work consists of graphic, theoretical and design parts.

In the course design, a selection of structural material was made, selection of bottoms and covers, determination of the design length of the shell, calculation of the shell under the influence of internal pressure, calculation of the bottoms and covers under the influence of internal pressure, selection and calculation of flange joints of the "shell," selection of manhole and parameters, calculation of the jacket.

The graphic part includes:

- general view drawing - sheet A1;

- the detailing is sheet A1.


Chemical devices are designed to carry out chemical, physical or physicochemical processes in them, as well as to store and mix various chemicals in them.

Depending on the purpose, most often in the ongoing process, chemical devices are called a reactor, heat exchanger, evaporator condenser, etc.

A heat exchanger or heat exchanger is a technical device in which the physical principle of transferring heat from a warm medium to a cold one without applying external energy is turned into a technological process. It is not an independent device and is used in conjunction with other thermal equipment.

Contained and recyclable substances in the apparatus are in different aggregate state, different chemical activity, from inert to aggressive, for maintenance personnel from harmless to toxic and in operation from safe to flammable, explosive.

Depending on the purpose of the production processes, various gaseous, vaporous, liquid and solid bodies can be used as heat transfer agents. The most common vapor-like coolant is saturated water vapor.

The purpose of the work is to design an apparatus with the selection of material from which it will be made and strength calculation of units, applying the knowledge gained in practice.


As a result of the course project, a vertical device with a high-speed stirrer was calculated and designed. The knowledge and skills gained in studying the discipline at lecture and practical classes were also enshrined.

In turn, in the course project, the selection of structural materials was carried out, the selection of the bottom and cover, the determination of the design length of the shell, the shell was calculated under the influence of internal pressure, the bottoms and covers were calculated under the influence of internal pressure, the flange joints of the shell were selected and calculated, the drives and parameters of the stirrer were selected, the stirrers were calculated.

Drawings content

icon Dnische.cdw


icon Flanets.cdw


icon Kryshka.cdw


icon Obechayka.cdw


icon Vertikalny_sosud.cdw


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