Belt Conveyor with Gearbox Parts
- Added: 12.10.2023
- Size: 2 MB
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- Circumferential force at belt conveyor drive drum: F = 6.4 kN
- Belt speed: Wr = 0.34 m/s
- Transmission running time = 15000 hours;
Source data
- Drive power consumption
- Overall Drive Efficiency
- Electric motor power consumption
- Electric Motor Selection
- Determination of the required gear ratio of the mechanism
- Breakdown of the Total Gear Ratio by Drive Stage
- Determination of the speed of the drive shafts
- Torque Determination
- Equivalence coefficients
- Opening times
- Belt Drive Calculation
- Contact Endurance Calculation
- Shaft diameters
- Design Calculation of Shafts
- Shaft Strength Testing
- Choosing the type of bearings
- Bearing Selection Verification
- Coupling Calculation
- Bolt Design
Project's Content
Лист3(КП поДМ)_Общий вид привода_отправка.cdw
Лист2(КП поДМ)_Приводной вал конвеера с муфтой предохранительной_отправка.cdw
Спецификация 3_Редуктор_отправка.cdw
Лист1(КП по ДМ)_Редуктор.cdw
Лист4-2(КП по ДМ)_Зубчатое колесо.cdw
Записка_ленточный конвейер.docx
Лист4-1(КП поДМ)_Вал_отправка.cdw
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