Automatic fire alarm system and fire warning for people

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The object of design of automatic fire alarm, fire warning system are administrative and production rooms of buildings located on the production site. The buildings are made of concrete panels and bricks, inter-storey floors made of reinforced concrete slabs.
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Additional information
Engineering specification in accordance with TKP340-
1. List of TNAP, according to which the project was developed
2. Features of the protected object
3. Justification of technical decisions taken
4. Selection and description of hardware
5. Operating principle of the system
6. Power supply and grounding of equipment
7. Calculation of the sounding scheme
7.1 Calculation of acoustic parameters of sound reproducing devices
8. Installation and Adjustment Instructions
9. Development of health and safety measures during installation and operation
List of sources used
The study of the issues of effective security of the population and industrial facilities in modern conditions is especially relevant in connection with the intensification of threats of international terrorism and man-made disasters, as well as the growth of qualified criminal attacks, economic instability, computer crimes, industrial espionage.
The solution to the tasks of protecting objects is based on the use of a set of alarm equipment, which should record the approach or start of actions of various threats - from fire and accidents to attempts to penetrate the object or the computer network.
Increasing the efficiency of alarm systems at facilities in conditions of a sharp aggravation of the criminal situation is impossible without the development and implementation of knowledge-intensive integrated integrated security systems (ISSs). The design of the ISS is based on the implementation of the ideas of the system concept of ensuring the complex safety of the facility with the parallel solution of the tasks of automating the management of such life support systems of the facility as power supply, ventilation, heating, water supply, elevator equipment, air conditioning, etc.
The design of ICSS is one of the determining factors that can reduce losses from the occurrence of illegal actions, emergencies, natural disasters, as well as the cost of eliminating the consequences of these events.
The system approach to the design of safety systems takes into account the following main shortcomings and imperfections:
- in technical means of protection of both domestic and foreign production, which due to incorrect design solutions cannot be used as effectively as possible in designed safety systems without modifications on the ground;
- in design solutions developed by non-specialized organizations that apply obsolete means of protection;
- in the absence of a common understanding of the meanings of terms and concepts used in technical descriptions for devices, instructions, recommendations;
- in the separation of actions aimed at the creation of safety systems between manufacturers, design, installation, operating organizations and the end user;
- in the level of technical preparation of operating structures of the installed safety system.
List of TNAP, according to which the project was developed
When designing, use the following documents:
TKP 451.02-295-2014 "Design documentation. Composition and content, "
SNB 2.02.0201 "Evacuation of people from buildings and structures in case of fire,
TKP 452.02-279-2013 "Buildings and structures. Evacuating people in a fire. Building Codes for Design, "
TKP 452.02-142-2011 "Buildings, building structures, materials and products. Rules of Fire Classification, "
TKP 452.02-190-2010 "Fire automation of buildings and structures. Building Design Codes, "
NPB-15-2007 "Fire safety standards of the Republic of Belarus. Field of application of automated fire alarm systems and fire extinguishing units, "
PPB Belarus 012014 "Fire Safety Rules of the Republic of Belarus,"
GOST 30331.395 "Electrical installations of buildings. Part 4. Safety requirements. Protection against electric shock, "
SNB 1.02.0698 Procedure for determining the cost of developing design documentation in construction.
SNB 1.03.0296 Composition, procedure for development and approval of design documentation in construction,
TKP 4742013 "Categorization of rooms, buildings and outdoor installations by explosion and fire hazard,"
STB 11.16.0197 "Fire safety standards system. Fire alarm systems. General requirements ";
STB 11.14.012006 "Fire alarm systems. Fire control devices. General Specifications. ";
STB 11.16.022007 "Power supply devices for technical means of fire protection. General specifications.. "
Features of the protected object
The object of designing automatic fire alarm, fire warning system are administrative and production rooms of buildings No. 14 and No. 18, located on production site No. 2.
The buildings are made of concrete panels and bricks, inter-storey floors made of reinforced concrete slabs.
The building is electrified, the electrical wiring is hidden.
The protected object is equipped with natural and forced plenum ventilation.
Maximum air temperature in rooms is not more than 300 С, relative air humidity is not more than 80%.
There is no suspended ceiling in the designed buildings.
The fire station room (room of round-the-clock stay of duty personnel) is located on the 1st floor of the building (VOHR).
The fire station room shall have the following characteristics:
- area, as a rule, not less than 15 m2;
- the walls shall be made of non-combustible materials, or one of the walls shall be covered with a steel sheet of 1.5x1.5 m at least 1 mm thick or with another sheet of non-combustible material at least 10 mm thick;
- air temperature within the range from 18 ° С to 25 ° С at relative humidity not more than 80%;
- telephone communication with the fire department of the facility or settlement;
Lighting Settings:
- at natural illumination not less than 100 lux;
- from fluorescent lamps not less than 150 lx;
- from filament lamps not less than 100 lx;
- at emergency illumination not less than 50 lx.
Justification of technical decisions taken
Automatic fire alarm installation.
Automatic fire alarm is built on the basis of the "Bolid" LDP equipment and is designed to detect a fire in the premises of the protected object, reflect information about the place of its occurrence, issue a fire alarm to the duty personnel, automatically start the fire warning system and disconnect ventilation systems.
The fire alarm equipment shall equip all rooms, regardless of their purpose, except for the rooms:
- with wet processes (showers, bathrooms, washing rooms, etc.);
- ventilation chambers, pump water supply, boiler and other rooms for engineering equipment of the building, in which there are no combustible materials;
Fire smoke detectors IP2123SU shall be installed in the rooms. On the escape routes (at an altitude of 1.5 m) install manual fire detectors "IPR3SU." The distance between the detectors shall not exceed 50 m.
The condition of fire announcers controls the device reception and control "Signal-20P" and transfers information on a condition of a system to the C2000 control panel which on the basis of the obtained information develops the operating commands for start of the warning system on means of "S2000SP1".
The design provides for a reserve reserve of fire detectors of each type to replace faulty or wasted resources in the amount of 10% of the installed ones.
For the convenience of installation in the duty personnel room, the design provides for a junction box.
Fire warning system.
In accordance with the requirements of the project, a warning system for people in case of a fire of type 2 is provided.
Set "Oriole" PKI1 sound annunciators and "Exit" light annunciators according to CO elements location plan. The sounder is designed to generate an alarm or an alarm in the form of a modulated frequency sound in security and fire alarm systems. "Exit" light annunciators are installed above evacuation exits from the floors of the building and above exits leading directly to the outside.
Selection and description of hardware
"S2000" fire protection control and monitoring panel
Monitoring and control panel is used for recording and display of alarm and service messages, programming of system parameters and control of states and modes of alarm loops of "Signal20P" device.
Technical specifications:
supply voltage - from 10.2 to 28.4 V
typical current of consumption in standby mode is:
at 12 V - 70 mA supply voltage
at 24 V - 35 mA supply voltage
operating temperature range - from + 1 to + 40 ° С
Instrument "Signal-20P"
The "Signal20P" instrument is designed for centralized and autonomous security by monitoring the condition of twenty alarm loops (SH), with fire detectors included in them, and issuing alarm notices in case of SH violation and detectors actuation on the device annunciator, as well as via RS485 interface to the operator's control and control panel (CS) "C2000."
Technical specifications:
supply voltage - from 10.2 to 28 V
typical current of consumption in standby mode is:
at 12 V - 400 mA supply voltage
at 24 V - 600 mA supply voltage
operating temperature range - from 30 to + 50 ° С
Executive relay S2000SP1 block isp.01
Programmable relay control logic allows you to control various actuators, in this project starts the voice warning system.
Technical specifications:
number of outputs - 4 relay outputs with switchable contacts
supply voltage - 12 V... 24 V
maximum switched power of each relay - 2500 VA
maximum switched voltage ~ 280 V
maximum switched current of one channel - 10 A
current consumed by the instrument, not more than 01 - 300 mA
operating temperature range - from minus 30 to + 50 ° С
Redundant RIP12 power supply
Redundant secondary power supply sources provide uninterrupted power supply with a nominal voltage of 12V of the automatic fire alarm system (APS) and warning system (CO). Automatically switch to backup power when the electrical network is disconnected.
Technical specifications and operating conditions:
supply voltage: ~ 220V 50Hz with change limits from 187 to 242V;
ambient temperature from 10 to + 40 ° С;
relative air humidity is not more than 90%;
absence of aggressive substances (acid vapors, alkalis, etc.) and current-conducting dust in the air.
Lightning-12-3 Light Annunciator
Light-and-sound annunciator is designed to indicate escape routes and sound signal in premises of various purposes. The light unit of the annunciator is made on LEDs and does not require current maintenance. Technical specifications:
Current consumed by the instrument - 20mA, sound - 30 mA;
Supply voltage - 9... 13.8 V,
Overall dimensions - 300kh130kh25mm,
Operating temperature range - -30С.. + 55С.
Smoke detector optoelectronic "DIP3SU (IP2123SU)"
The detector is designed to detect fire, accompanied by the appearance of smoke, in closed rooms of buildings and structures for various purposes. The IP2123SU detector does not respond to a wide range of temperature, humidity, background illumination from natural or artificial light sources.
Technical specifications:
supply voltage - 9... 28 V
current of consumption in standby mode - 0.11 mA
consumption current in alarm mode - 18... 22 mA
sensitivity - 0.05... 0.2 b
operating temperature range - from 40 to + 60 ° С
Manual fire detector IPR-3SU
This detector is designed to send an alarm signal to the fire alarm equipment when a person impacts it.
Technical specifications:
supply voltage - 9... 28 V
current of consumption in standby mode not more than 100 μA
operating temperature range - from 40 to + 55 ° С
"UKSH1" loop integrity monitoring device
Device for monitoring fire and fire alarm loops UKSH1 is designed for visual monitoring of serviceability and determination of voltage polarity in the alarm loop. The device provides control of both bipolar SGs (PPKP "Rainbow," "Ray," "Rainbow 2A," PPK2 and similar), and unipolar SGs (PPKOP "Note," "VK Signal" and similar).
Technical specifications:
voltage in controlled SB - 9... 42 V
consumption current at voltage in SHS up to 24V - not more than 50 μA.
KPSEng-FRLS cable
The cable is designed for single and bundle laying in modern fire alarm systems, as well as other control systems at high fire hazard facilities. The cable is operated indoors and outdoors under the condition of protection against direct exposure to solar radiation and atmospheric precipitation.
Operating principle of the system
The Signal 20 security and fire control device is designed to protect stores, banks, pharmacies and other institutions autonomously and centrally from uncoordinated intrusions. It can work with almost any type of security and fire detectors (magnetic contact, optoelectronic, acoustic and others).
The Signal 20 device not only protects against penetration, but is also a fire warning device. In addition, the Signal 20 PCIP responds to damage of twenty signaling loops. Thus, the device cannot be disconnected by damaging wires. In this case the signal is sent to indicators and control and monitoring panel.
Operation of "Signal20" is performed from DC source with voltage from 10.2 to 28.0 volts. These can be different uninterruptible power supplies.
Current consumption of "Signal20" depends on operation mode. If all alarm loops are connected to sensors that do not consume current, then, both during alarm and passive operation, the load is the same - 400 mA at 12 volts and 200 mA at 24. However, if signal loops "Signal20" are connected to sensors with loop power, then it will be higher: 600 mA (12 volts) at passive load and 650 mA (12 volts) at active. When working with a 24 V network, the consumption current of the Signal 20 device will be halved.
10 modes of operation of "Signal20" device allow to fully monitor the occurrence of a problem and alarm. "Signal20" will report the removal of protection, violation of alarm loops, fire hazard, as well as if the power supply was unauthorized.
Control of the Signal20 device is exercised by means of the C2000 remote controller, or buttons on the device. It is also possible to synchronize with a personal computer, in this case you need to specify the number of the device. This will help make work with the Signal20 PCIP more convenient for protection.
Installation and Adjustment Instructions
Installation of equipment and electrical wires of the security alarm system must be carried out taking into account the requirements of PUE, SNiP 3.05.0685, TKP 454.04-27-2006 "Communication and dispatching devices of engineering equipment of residential and public buildings. Design Rules (Rev. No. 1). "
The acceptance control and control devices shall be installed on walls made of non-combustible materials. Installation of the specified equipment is allowed on structures made of combustible materials, provided that these structures are protected with a steel sheet with a thickness of at least 1 mm or other sheet incombustible material with a thickness of at least 10 mm. In this case, the sheet material must protrude beyond the circuit of the installed equipment by at least 0.1 m.
The distance from the upper edge of the control device and the control device to the overlap of the room made of combustible materials must be at least 1 m. When several control devices and control devices are adjacent, the distance between them must be at least 50 mm. Control and receiving devices and control devices shall be placed in such a way that the height from the floor level to the operational controls and indication of the specified equipment meets the requirements of ergonomics.
Point fire detectors should be installed in accordance with the design, it is allowed to specify the installation places during installation, at the same time the distance from the detector to the ventilation hole should be at least 1 meter. In rooms with flat floors, the maximum distance between smoke detectors should be no more than 9.0 meters, from the detector to the wall no more than 4.5 meters.
Manual fire detectors shall be installed in accordance with the design at a height of 1.5 m from the floor level. Lowering from the ceiling to the manual fire detector shall be performed in the 20x10 cable channel.
Wall sounders shall be installed so that their upper part is not less than 2.3 m from the floor level, but the distance from the ceiling to the upper part of the sounder shall be not less than 150 mm.
Connections and branches of wires and cables shall be made in junction or junction boxes by soldering or by means of screws.
To execute loops of the automatic fire alarm KPSEngFRLS cable 1х2х0.5, lines of notification KPSEngFRLS 2х2х0.75. To execute power supply of 220B 50 Hz KVngFRLS cable 3х1.5. Power supply 12B KPSEngFRLS cable 2х2х0.75. RS485 interface lines shall be made by KC FTP 4 cat 5e 2x2x0.51 LAN cable.
Wires and cables shall be laid on walls inside protected rooms at a distance of not less than 0.1 m from the ceiling and at a height of not less than 2.2 m from the floor. When laying wires and cables at a height of less than 2.2 m from the floor, provide their protection against mechanical damage.
It is not allowed to jointly lay fire alarm loops and connecting lines with voltage up to 60 V with lines of voltage 110 V or more in one conduit, closed channel of construction structure or on one tray. Joint laying of said lines is allowed in different compartments of boxes and trays having continuous longitudinal partitions with fire resistance rating of 0.25 h from non-combustible material.
In case of parallel open laying, the distance from wires and fire alarm cables with voltage up to 60 V to power and lighting cables must be at least 0.5 m. It is allowed to lay these wires and cables at a distance less than 0.5 m from power and lighting cables, provided that they are shielded from electromagnetic motions. It is allowed to reduce the distance to 0.25 m from wires and cables of loops and connecting lines of fire alarm without protection from aiming to single lighting wires and control cables.
When laying the cable at the points of rotation at an angle of 90 deg. or a bend radius close to it must be at least seven cable diameters, or meet the requirements for laying these types of cables.
Passages in floors (between floors) and entrances to rooms shall be made in special cable penetrations with fire resistance rating not lower than fire resistance rating of floors and walls of rooms.
Development of health and safety measures during installation and operation
This working documentation is developed in accordance with the requirements of safety measures set forth in the following documents:
- TKP 451.03-40-2006 "Labor safety in construction."
- GOST 30331.395 (IEC 36444192) "Electrical installations of buildings. Part 4. Safety requirements. Protection against electric shock ";
- Current regulatory and technical documentation, approved in accordance with the established procedure, regarding automatic installation of fire alarm;
- Operation documentation for AUPS.
Compliance with safety regulations is a prerequisite for safe operation of the plants. Violation of safety rules can lead to accidents. Maintenance personnel are allowed to perform works only after receiving an introductory general safety instruction and instructions on safe working methods at the workplace. Induction training is provided with all newly recruited. When instructing, they are introduced to the duties at this workplace in this specialty. Passing the briefing is noted in the safety log.
Operation of safety installations should be carried out in accordance with the current regulatory documentation. Personnel working at the facility equipped with the designed installations shall be informed about the availability of these installations, instructed about the principle of their work and safety rules. During operation of the units it is necessary to monitor the serviceability of their components. To do this, keep the alarm equipment in good condition. Repair of safety installations shall be carried out under constant supervision of persons responsible for operation of these safety installations.
In the event of a fire, escape routes from protected premises should be planned. Escape routes should be constantly free.
When operating safety installations, the following rules shall be followed:
- repair of electrical equipment must be performed only after power supply is cut off;
- check of integrity and operability of the used equipment is required;
- during commissioning, repair and preventive works, it is necessary to carefully study the power supply scheme of the plant consumers and de-energize the necessary devices ;
- during works with electrical equipment it is necessary to have dielectric mats and gloves;
- wire insulation integrity check shall be carried out, as well as condition of wires and cables before laying - external inspection;
- all necessary parts of electrical equipment, which may be energized as a result of insulation failure, must be grounded (busy) according to PUE.
During the project, the security system of the administrative and production premises of buildings No. 14 and No. 18 was designed.
As a result of the course project, the following conclusions were drawn:
The integrated safety system design is to take into account each part, the location of each sensor, the path of each cable, that is, the complete operation of the entire system. The main characteristic of the project is its optimality in terms of equipment selection and arrangement of all elements.
There are four main inseparable subsystems of the TSOB complex: a security and alarm system, a fire alarm system, an access control and control system, a television/video surveillance and control system. Each of them can be considered as an ISS, which develops its own set of threats and includes a set of technical means of protection.
It is advisable to use hardware-implemented ISBs at small facilities with a low budget. Due to higher reliability and speed, software and hardware ISBs are used in large facilities and at facilities with increased security requirements.
After analyzing and comparing the various SCPs, we came to the conclusion that the most suitable in these conditions is the Signal 20P PCAP. And from the possible alerts were chosen PKI1 "Oriole." This equipment ensures the required reliability of the ATP.

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