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Automatic casting conveyor drive


Set of drawings for course and note

Project's Content

icon спец 4 А4.cdw
icon титульник.doc
icon вал А3.cdw
icon вал в сборве А3.cdw
icon введение готовое1.doc
icon звезда А3.cdw
icon милимитровка.cdw
icon общий А1.cdw
icon содержание.doc
icon спец 1 А4.cdw
icon спец 2 А4.cdw
icon спец 3 А4.cdw

Additional information



1 Mass force and geometric characteristics

interoperative transport devices

1.1 Weights of articles, process equipment, movable

device elements

1.2 Calculation of plate chain actuator


2 Motor calculation

2.1 Selection of electric motor

2.2 Kinematic diagram of the drive

3 Gearbox calculation

3.1 Main characteristics of drive mechanisms

3.2 Selection of reduction gear box

4 Calculation of belt transmission

4.1 Calculation of belt transmission

5 Design of shaft of traction sprockets

5.1 Calculation of low-speed shaft

5.2 Definitions of support reactions

5.3 Determine shaft diameter

5.4 Calculation of safety factor

6 Coupling calculation

6.1 Coupling calculation algorithm

7 Key connection

7.1 Calculation of key connection

8 Calculation of rolling bearings

8.1 Selection of rolling bearings

9 Dynamic characteristics of the drive

9.1 Torque on engine shaft

9.2 Moments of inertia of working elements masses

9.3 Operating Cycle Characteristics

9.4 Time characteristics of the operating cycle

9.5 Characteristics of operating cycle loads


List of literature used

Appendix A

Appendix B


Human society constantly feels the need for new types of products, or for reducing labor costs in the production of basic products. In general, these requirements can only be met through new processes and new machines required for their implementation. Therefore, the incentive to create a new machine is always a new technological process, the possibility of which depends on the level of scientific and technological development of human society.

In this course work, an automatic conveyor line is developed for casting molds with molten metal in order to obtain castings. The mentioned conveyor is horizontal plate with chain traction element.

The main purpose of the course work is to develop and calculate a slow-moving shaft of the conveyor. During the calculation, select an asynchronous motor, calculate the corresponding elements of the kinematic circuit, and perform a dynamic calculation of the system.


In the course of the work, an automatic casting conveyor for casting molds with molten metal was calculated and designed in order to obtain a casting. According to the calculated mass and geometric characteristics, the shaft of traction sprockets was calculated, an asynchronous motor was selected, and V-belt transmission was calculated. Having calculated the gear ratio of the theoretical gearbox and torques, a real gearbox with close theoretical parameters was selected. The dynamic characteristics of the drive were also calculated, a graph of the torque of the working cycle was built on the drive shaft of the conveyor.

This automatic line can be used in metal-lithium production, having previously equipped it with an automatic controller for turning on and off the electric motor.

Drawings content

icon спец 4 А4.cdw

спец 4  А4.cdw

icon вал А3.cdw

вал А3.cdw

icon вал в сборве А3.cdw

вал в сборве  А3.cdw

icon звезда А3.cdw

звезда А3.cdw

icon милимитровка.cdw


icon общий А1.cdw

общий А1.cdw

icon спец 1 А4.cdw

спец 1 А4.cdw

icon спец 2 А4.cdw

спец 2 А4.cdw

icon спец 3 А4.cdw

спец 3  А4.cdw

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