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Assembly drawing of deaerator DA-100/25

  • Added: 18.06.2016
  • Size: 67 KB
  • Downloads: 1
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Deaerator of atmospheric type is selected by flow rate of chemically purified water, condensate flow rate from steam-water water heaters should be added to this flow rate, since it is directed to the upper part of the deaeration column: Gchem = 8.03 + 10.01 + 1 = 19.04 t/h; Atmospheric deaerator of DA-25 grade with bubbling device is installed in boiler room, which is installed in tank-accumulator of deaerator. Technical characteristic of deaerator DA-5: 1. Rated capacity: 25 t/h; 2. Operating pressure: 0.12 MPa; 3. Temperature of deaerated water: 104 wasps; 4. Average temperature of heating of water in the deaerator: 10 ÷ 40 wasps; 5. Column dimensions: - body wall diameter and thickness: 530x6 mm; - height: 2195 mm; 6. Weight: 280 kg; 7. Test hydraulic pressure: 0.3 MPa.

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