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Air conditioning system of NII laboratory

  • Added: 17.01.2016
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The diploma project contains 13 sheets of graphic material and a calculation and explanatory note consisting of 123 sheets A4 of typewritten text, which includes research, design, technological, organizational, economic and environmental parts. The research part contains the justification for the choice of freon, the calculation of heat inflows into the room and the cooling capacity of the air conditioner. The design part contains calculations of a spiral compressor, an air tubular-ribbed evaporator and a shell-tube condenser. Process part includes design of helical compressor assembly technology and analysis of its constructability. The organizational and economic part includes calculation of R&D costs, production of a prototype and testing of a refrigeration machine system. The environmental part contains an analysis of the plant from the point of view of life safety and environmental friendliness, including: electrical safety of ultrasound, environmental impact of refrigerant. Technical har: Coolant - room R410APloshchad - 142 m2vysota a ceiling - 5 mkolichestvo of workers - the 5th persons. Laboratory equipment capacity 150 kW Temperature control accuracy 1C

Project's Content

icon 1.1.Исследовательская часть.xmcd
icon 1.2 Холод агенты.doc
icon 2. Констр часть.doc
icon 4. Выбор компрессора.doc
icon list1.xls
icon list2.xls
icon list3.xls
icon Введение и Анатоция.doc
icon Воздухоохладитель канальный.xmcd
icon Вторая часть расчета мой.xmcd
icon Компрессор спиральный.xmcd
icon Конденсатор.xmcd
icon нумерация.doc
icon Расчет фреонового цикла.xmcd
icon Технология.docx
icon 2_3_111_2009.jpg
icon Графическая часть1.dwg

Additional information


The diploma project contains __ sheets of graphic material and a calculation and explanatory note consisting of __ sheets A4 of typewritten text, which includes research, design, technological, organizational-economic and ecological parts.

The research part contains the justification for the choice of freon, the calculation of heat inflows into the room and the cooling capacity of the air conditioner. Design part comprises calculations of spiral compressor, air tube-ribbed evaporator and shell-tube condenser.

Process part includes design of helical compressor assembly technology and analysis of its constructability.

The organizational and economic part includes calculation of R&D costs, production of a prototype and testing of a refrigeration machine system.

The environmental part contains an analysis of the plant from the point of view of life safety and environmental friendliness, including: electrical safety of ultrasound, environmental impact of refrigerant.


Precision air conditioners (precision control air conditioners) are self-contained cabinet-type air conditioners that allow you to control and maintain air temperature and humidity with high accuracy in process rooms with sensitive equipment.

The use of precision systems in technological facilities is due to the need to compensate for large specific heat losses released from technological equipment, which, in turn, is very sensitive even to minimal changes in temperature and relative humidity. Accordingly, the higher the room temperature deviates from the optimum temperature, the shorter the service life of the process equipment. Precision systems provide effective compensation for significant specific heat losses and allow maintaining the required temperature and humidity parameters of the air in the room.

In case of overheating of process equipment, for example, the PBX room, as well as deviation from the value of required relative humidity, the equipment fails.

The main advantages of precision air conditioners are:

Accuracy of monitoring and control of temperature (+ 1 ° C) and humidity (+ 1%);

Reliability of operation during continuous operation

Ability to operate in a wide range of ambient temperatures

Easy installation and maintenance

The main components of the air conditioner are located in the internal unit, access to which is provided from the front of the air conditioner

Full compatibility with control systems and microclimate control systems of the building.

Source Data:

This diploma project was developed by order of LLC SU-27

In this work, it is necessary to develop a cooling system for the laboratory of the Research Institute of Mathematical Biology and Bioinformatics of the Russian Academy of Sciences. This object is located in the Moscow region, Pushchina.

The area of ​ ​ the room is 141.9 square meters. meters, the laboratory has 6 working plants, with a capacity of 20 kW each, there is also other equipment with a total capacity of 20 kW. The room lighting is artificial, made with 100 lamps with a power of 25 W each. Natural lighting is not provided. The equipment in the laboratory is highly accurate, the air temperature should be maintained constantly and should be controlled to an accuracy of 1 degree.

Drawings content

icon Графическая часть1.dwg

Графическая часть1.dwg
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