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5-storey panel building in Artyom - Project for the construction of the above-ground part

  • Added: 09.07.2014
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Work plan of the 5-storey building, contains explanatory note and drawings

Project's Content

icon ППР_5хэтаж.doc
icon ППР_5этажпанельное.dwg

Additional information


Source Data

2. General part

3. Substantiation of RB Production Decisions

4. Composition of construction and installation works-bot

5. Scheduling

6. Construction Master Plan Decision

6.1. Brief description of the construction plan

6.2. Calculation of stocks of materials, storage areas, selection

storage type and storage type

6.3. Calculation of temporary buildings and structures

6.4. Calculation of temporary water supply

6.5. Calculation of temporary power supply

6.6. Calculation of temporary heat supply

7. General and special requirements of occupational and environmental protection,

safety and fire safety

8. TEP justification, their comparative ana-lis


List of used literature

6. construction master plan solution.

6.1. brief characteristic of the construction plan.

The construction plan was developed for the period of construction of the above-ground part of the building. It is designed for the correct organization of the territory of the construction site, ensuring compliance with the requirements of labor protection, non-hazardous equipment and industrial sanitation.

Based on the calculations, the construction site houses domestic premises: a pro-slave room, a dressing room, a dryer, a washroom, heating rooms, a buffet, and toilets; closed warehouse, open storage areas, canopies; temporary power supply networks. The composition and number of domestic premises is calculated in such a way as to ensure the need for a maximum number of employees. Location selection shall comply with safety and environmental requirements. The costs of temporary construction are minimized, in all possible cases permanent premises are used for temporary needs.

In order to ensure safety, domestic premises are located outside the hazardous area of ​ ​ the crane.

In the premises inside the house it is allowed to store: adhesive compositions, insulation materials, window and door blocks, engineering equipment. For this, the rooms are equipped with temporary windows and doors.

Temporary roads are designed with a one-way width of 3.5.

In the material unloading area, platforms 6 m wide and 1218 m long are arranged.

The minimum distance between the road and the storage area is 0.51 m; between the road and the fence enclosing the construction site - at least 1.5 m.

The construction of the building is carried out using the tower crane KB405.1A. Crane binding is carried out taking into account safety requirements, the minimum distance from the axis of crane tracks to the outer face of the building is 4.5 m. The length of crane tracks is 25 m (2 links).

Due to constrained construction conditions, the angle of rotation of the crane boom by 130 ° is limited.

Open warehouses are arranged inside the area of the installation crane, and covered and canopies at the borders of these areas. Materials required in a large quantity are distributed evenly along the entire work front parallel to the crane path. Temporary buildings and structures are located with observance of fire breaks - at least 5 meters. External lighting is arranged on wooden supports along the perimeter of the construction site outside the crane area .

Temporary power supply is provided from existing networks. In the dark, the construction site and workplaces are illuminated by floodlights, the number of floodlights is determined by calculation.

Fire hydrant, fire shields, boxes and water barrels are provided for fire safety at the construction site.

To protect the environment, a plant layer dump is provided for further improvement of the territory. Garbage from the construction site is taken away within three days. The entire territory is fenced with a two-meter fence.

7. general and specific requirements for occupational and environmental protection, safety and fire safety

When organizing a construction site, work areas and workplaces, the safety of workers is ensured at all stages of work performance in accordance with SNiP [7] and [12] under the following conditions:

- protect the territory and hazardous areas during construction and installation works. Hazardous areas shall be marked with safety signs and inscriptions of established form;

- arrange roads, passageways and driveways;

- Provide drinking and fire-fighting water supply;

- organize lighting of the construction site, driveways, passageways, workplaces;

- At the entrance to the construction site there should be a scheme for the movement of vehicles, and on the sides of roads and driveways - clearly visible road signs;

- ensure electrical safety in accordance with section 6.4 [12];

- ensure the safety of workers at altitude;

- install fire shields in the construction camp with a full set of fire fighting equipment and, in addition, purchase foam and carbon dioxide fire extinguishers at the rate of 1 fire extinguisher per 200 m ² of household floor;

- storage of materials and equipment at workplaces should be so that they do not create danger during work and do not constrain passages;

- prevent the use of open fire within a radius of 50 m from the place of use and storage of materials containing flammable or explosive substances. Paint, insulation, finishing and other materials that emit explosive and harmful substances are allowed to be stored at workplaces in quantities not exceeding replacement needs.

On the basis of [6], the following environmental measures shall be provided during the design of the construction production organization:

- mandatory observance of the boundaries of the territory allocated for this construction;

- equipping workplaces and construction sites with inventory containers for household and construction waste;

- It is prohibited to fire fires using smokable fuels;

- it is forbidden to wash machines and mechanisms, as well as drain fuel and lubricants outside specially equipped places;

During construction and installation works it is necessary to observe the requirements for prevention of dust content of air gas content.

In carrying out the work, the existing shrub-tree growth should be maintained as much as possible.


The use of in-line methods of work, their rhythmic execution ensures the effective use of material and technical resources and funds, increases labor productivity, reduces the cost of work, allows to achieve high technical and economic indicators of the activities of the construction organization.

The use of this method led to a reduction in the duration of construction by 9%, and savings from the early commissioning of the facility amounted to 1357.4 thousand rubles.

During construction and installation works quality control of works is carried out. The following types of control are carried out: input, operational, acceptance.

Upon completion of the construction of the facility, its commissioning is carried out.

Acceptance of the facility is carried out by state fire supervision; Rossanin inspection; departments of district architects; landscaping and landscaping departments.

After inspection of the facility and verification of its compliance with the design and specifications, the certificate of acceptance of the facility for operation is drawn up.

The act of acceptance for operation of facilities is considered and approved no later than within a week after their signing.

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