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5-room residential building on the street. General Mishchenko/6-th Korenovsky N49/9 in the Prikuban district of Krasnodar - course

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Course design. Graphics, Explanatory Note

Project's Content

icon Описание курсовой.doc
icon ПЗ, лист 1.doc
icon ПЗ, лист 2.doc
icon Титульный лист.doc
icon Архитектура, курсовая.dwg

Additional information

General part:

The design of a two-story five-room residential building was developed on the basis of a design task in accordance with state standards, building codes and regulations, regulatory and reference literature .

2. Characteristics of the construction site.

Construction site on the street. General Mishchenko/pr. 6th Korenovsky No. 49/9 is located in the III B climatic region with the following characteristics:

Estimated weight of snow cover:

- 1.2 kPa, which corresponds to the II snowy area according to Table 2 of the SNCC 203032002 "Loads and impacts. Wind and snow loads "

Wind and snow loads:

- 1.2 kPa, which corresponds to the II snowy area as per Table 4 * SNiP 2.01.0785 * "Loads and impacts"

Design value of wind pressure:

-0.53 kPa, which corresponds to the III wind area according to Table 1 of the SNCC 203032002 "Loads and impacts. Wind and snow loads "

Standard value of wind pressure:

-0.48 kPa, which corresponds to the IV wind area as per Table 5 of SNiP 2.01.0785 * "Loads and impacts"

Seismicity of the construction area is accepted according to the card B of the set of cards OSR97 SNiP II781 * is characterized by seismicity of 7 points.

Soils of the base are loam. When calculating the base, the soil resistance is taken to be 1.5 kg/cm2 .

3. Design Solutions

Structural system is arceless with longitudinal arrangement of bearing walls. The spatial rigidity of the building is ensured by the joint work of all structural elements, by filling the seams of floor slabs and mutual dressing of masonry rows at the intersection of walls..

4. Volumetric planning solutions:

The building has the shape of a square with protrusions.

Building size in axes:

- length - 11.7 m;

- width - 10.8 m;

- height 7.75 m.

Entrance to the house is through a tambour .

On the 1st floor there are the following rooms: living room, kitchen, study, bathroom, pantry, dressing room, boiler room.

On the 2nd floor - bedroom, children's rooms, bathroom, dressing rooms.

Communication between floors is carried out via the internal staircase.

4.1 Foundations

Foundation of concrete B15. The depth of laying is 0.9 m. Under the foundation there is an leveling preparation of lean concrete. B7.5. Soils in the base are cleaned and compacted with crushed stone. Compaction of soil shall be performed in layers at optimal humidity up to optimal density Ksom = 0.97 as per GOST 227332002. Along the perimeter of the foundation at el. 0.020 horizontal waterproofing is arranged. Around the building there is a pavement made of concrete. B10 is 0.9 m wide with a slope of 3%.

4.2 Walls and partitions

In the designed building, external walls are thick. 420 mm are made of ordinary clay brick GOST 53080, according to a multi-row dressing system. 250 and 120 mm thick and 50 mm of insulation - mineral wool "Rockwell Facade Butts" between them, lining in the basement zone with decorative stone. Internal structural walls are brick with a thickness of 250 mm, reference in the center. Partitions are made of brick M75 on cement sand mortar with thickness of 120 mm.

4.3 Overlaps

Slabs of precast reinforced concrete multistage slabs (with round voids) with monolithic sections. Plates 220 mm thick. Slabs rest on external and internal load-bearing walls, they are inserted into the wall by a value of at least 120 mm. They are laid on cement sand mortar and anchored. The seams between them are frozen with concrete. Cast-in-situ slabs made of concrete B15 with reinforcement: lower - 10AIII with a pitch of 200x200 mm, upper - 8-A-III with a pitch of 300x300 mm.

4.4 Jumpers

Prefabricated reinforced concrete lintels, support of lintels not less than 250 mm on each side. On the axis A at the location of superelevations and the entrance door block, make a monolithic jumper with reinforcement: 4 ∅12AIII, the frame - 8-A-I with a spacing of 200 mm. The height of the jumper is 240 mm, the width is 250 mm. Support on walls is not less than 250 mm.

4.5 Ladder

The staircase in the designed building is monolithic. Number of marches 2. The number of steps is 20 between floors measuring 180x300 mm, the width of the flight of stairs is 1.2m. Railings are made wooden, carved 0.9 m high. The stairwell has natural lighting through window openings .

4.6 Roof, drainage

The roof is rolled with a coating of Tegola bitumen tiles according to wooden structures. The bearing elements are layered rafters.. Insulation of the roof with mineral wool slabs "Rockwell Light Butts."

Drainage - external organized. Canopy above summer terrace is made of profile according to metal structures.

4.7 Floors

Floors in residential rooms meet the requirements of strength, resistance to wear, sufficient elasticity, noiselessness, convenience of cleaning. Flooring in residential rooms is made of linoleum on a heat-insulating base. Floors in bathrooms and sanitary units are made of ceramic tiles 20 mm below the level of the main rooms. Ceramic tiles in wet rooms shall have a non-slip surface. Bracing is made of cement sand mortar.

Floors on the summer terrace are made of non-slipping frost-resistant ceramic granite tiles, in the floor device use cement-dried mortar with mineral-expanding additive "IR1" to produce waterproof mortars.

4.8 Interior Finishes

Interior decoration: In residential rooms, walls are glued with wallpaper after improved plastering of brick walls. Kitchens are glued with washable wallpaper, and sections of walls above sanitary appliances are lined with glazed tiles. Walls in bathrooms are lined with the entire height of the room. The ceilings of all rooms are painted white with water emulsion paint.

4.9 Windows, doors

All living rooms have natural lighting, providing a normalized duration of insolation.

Windows are accepted as per GOST 2316699 - metal-plastic. Glazing of windows is executed by a single-chamber double-glazed window of SPO 4M116I4. Windows with swivel-folding opening of flaps must be made with "winter ventilation" mode device. 4. Mounting seams of window blocks adjoining wall openings shall be made as per GOST 309712002. Type of mounting seam - CMM IIII.

On the second floor there are attic windows of standard sizes of Velux.

Install galvanized steel plums of Henkel Bautechnik LLC on protruding external sill slopes.

Rooms in apartments have separate entrances.

The front door is metal fire-fighting, 1200 mm wide, equipped with a self-closing device.

Internal doors - wooden as per GOST GOST 662988 with glazing and blind. Door boxes are fixed in openings to unsepted wooden plugs laid in masonry during masonry of walls. Doors are equipped with handles, latches and tie-in locks. To ensure quick evacuation, all doors open outside in the direction of traffic on the street based on the conditions for evacuating people from the building in case of fire.

5. Engineering equipment

Engineering equipment of the building includes water supply, sewerage, wiring, gas supply and heating system.

5.1 Power supply

Power supply of the building is carried out from the general power grid. Wiring in the designed building is carried out before plastering the internal walls and partitions and is attached by means of special fasteners to the building structures. If necessary, holes for electric wire in walls and floors are drilled.

5.2 Sewerage

The sewerage system of a residential building is connected to the central city sewerage network .

5.3 Water supply

Water supply is carried out from a common water supply. Water is supplied in the kitchen to the mixer and in the bathroom to the mixer and the drain tank .

5.4 Gas supply

Gas supply is provided from external gas network. It is led to a gas heating boiler located in the boiler room, and gas columns located in the kitchen and bathroom. Gas columns are designed to heat the water entering the bathroom and kitchen.

5.5 Heating system

The heating system of the building consists of pipes and heating batteries, through which heated water and a gas heating boiler circulate. Such a heating system is called central. Heating batteries are located in all rooms and run along the exterior walls of the building on both floors.

6. Antiseismic activities.

In corners and intersections of external walls lay rebar grids in height after 600 mm. In places of brick partitions adjoining, extend reinforcement 2 ∅4Vr1 from external walls, reinforce partitions after 675 mm 2 ∅4Vr1. Above the first floor in the level of floor slabs and on the second floor along the perimeter there should be a monolithic railway belt with reinforcement: 4∅10AIII with a frame of 6-A-I with a 300 mm pitch in a spiral.

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