2-storey school for 480 students in Krasnodar

- Added: 17.04.2016
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This project of the public center for 480 people is a typical project of enterprises, buildings and structures .
Project's Content
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Additional information
1. Design Input:
Construction site and characteristics of construction area
Design temperatures, humidity zone, ground freezing depth, seismicity
Building class, fire resistance and durability
2. Brief description of the functional and technological process taking place in the designed
3. Description and substantiation of the adopted architectural and planning solution
3.1.Scale planning solution
3.2Space calculation, grouping, main structural units
3.3 Temperature-humidity mode
4. Structural solution of the building
4.1.1. Bases
4.1.2.Stenes and partitions
4.1.3. Coverings and Floors
4.1.4. Windows, doors, stairs
4.2. Fire-fighting measures
4.3 Thermal Design of the Outer Wall
5. Engineering communications
List of used literature
The designed building refers to public buildings, which are built, as a rule, according to a large-panel scheme.
This project of the public center for 480 people is a typical project of enterprises, buildings and structures.
Public buildings must meet the cultural and everyday needs of society.
Public buildings of everyday type and periodic maintenance are mass, they account for more than 85% of the total construction of public buildings. Their design is based on the principles of unification and typification and is carried out using industrial products prudent by a public catalog.
Buildings of public importance and partially district (refer to unique structures that are built as a rule, according to typical projects.) The basis for the typical design of mass public buildings is the nomenclature of building types periodically updated.
The designed school building is large-panel.
This project is the formation of knowledge about modern structures of civil buildings, the most common types of engineering structures.
Design Input
The task of the department is to develop a project of a 2-story school for 480 places in Krasnodar
1.1. Construction site and characteristics of the construction area.
This building is supposed to be built in the city of Krasnodar .
The building location area is characterized by the following climatic, geological and hydrogeological conditions: Deviation temperature:
absolute maximum - + 45 ° С;
absolute minimum - - 36 ° С;
the average minimum temperature of the coldest month is 15 ° C;
the average maximum temperature of the warmest month is + 32 ° С;
the temperature of the warmest five-day period is + 39 ° С;
the average annual air temperature is + 10.9 ° С.
the average annual relative humidity is 67%.
the maximum depth of soil freezing is 80 cm.
Snow cover:
average maximum height - 15 cm;
maximum recorded height - 100 cm;
snow load - 70 kg/m.
the average annual speed is 2.7 m/s;
background wind - 7 m/s;
maximum speed, taking into account gusts - 42 m/s;
the average annual wind speed for the year is 23 m/s;
predominant oriental direction
wind head speed - 55 kg/m.
maximum precipitation intensity 2.3 mm/min;
the average annual rainfall is 540mm.
Seismicity of the construction area according to maps - "B" and "C" according to SNiP 11781 * "Construction in seismic areas" - eight points.
The project provides a complete set of anti-seismic measures in accordance with the requirements of SP 14.13330.2014 "Construction in seismic areas" necessary for this type of buildings during construction on the site with a seismicity of 8 points, which, with the proper quality of construction and installation work, will ensure normal operation of the building for the entire design period.
1.2. Design temperatures, humidity zone, ground freezing depth, seismicity.
The soil is mainly loam.
The normative depth of ground freezing is 0.8 m.
Seismicity of the construction area - 8 points.
Humidity in the territory of Krasnodar is normal.
Air temperature:
in summer: + 3037 0С.
in winter: 1015 0С.
Design ambient temperature t = 190C.
internal air temperature t = 200C.
1.3. Building class, fire resistance and durability.
Building class in terms of durability and fire resistance - II.
Degree of durability - II.
Degree of fire resistance - II
Class II includes buildings with a height of not more than two floors, the durability of the main structures of which is not lower than II degree; fire resistance is not normalized. Building Codes and Regulations (SNiP) shall apply for their design and construction.
Brief description of the functional and technological process in the designed building
For the functional process and ensuring the normal operation of the designed building, the correct placement of the main and auxiliary rooms has been developed.
Description and justification of the architectural and planning solution
3.1.Volatile planning solution.
A space planning solution is a solution on the basis of which a particular composition and size of premises are made.
The building has a rectangular block shape; Building spaces can be divided into the following structural nodes:
- entrance groups (tambour, lobby, wardrobe); - groups of main rooms (assembly hall, sports hall, administrative rooms, dining room, medical room, technical rooms, IIV classrooms, VXI classrooms);
- groups of auxiliary and auxiliary rooms (undress, toilets);
- horizontal communications (corridors).
-vertical communications (ladders).
On the ground floor there are: vestibule, wardrobe, dining room, washing room, cooking room, dry food pantry, cooling room, luggage room, wardrobe and bathroom for the staff of the dining room, doctor's office, technical staff room, latrines and washrooms, elementary classrooms, metal workshop, wood workshop, instrument room, IIV classroom, equipment room, decoration, equipment room.
On the second floor there are: Assembly Hall, stage, radio station, library, teacher, office of the head of the educational unit, office of the director, office of physics, office of chemistry, laboratory of chemistry, office of geography, office of history, office of foreign languages, office of literature, office of drawing, office of mathematics, office.
The building has 3 staircases.
Structural solutions of the building
4.1.1. Bases.
In the designed building there is one structural diagram - this is a connection. Stiffness is provided by longitudinal-transverse arrangement of bearing walls. The structural system used is a curtain system. The construction system is large-panel. The number of floors is 2 floors. Floor height accepted 3.3 m.
The thickness of the outer walls is accepted according to heat engineering calculation - 460 mm, structurally 410 mm. Thickness of internal walls 160 mm, self-supporting partitions -150 mm.
Foundations - underground structures that transfer loads from the building to the ground.
In the designed building, a ribbon prefabricated foundation is selected. It consists of pillows laid in the foundation base (FL 12.30, FL 12.12, FL 12.24, FL 16.30, FL 16.12, FL 16.24, FL16.8) and basement panels (PSC 18.60, PSC 18.30) which are walls of the underground part of the building.
Foundation cushion slabs are laid on a leveled base with sand filling. Bulk or loose soil cannot be left under the foundation base. It is removed and crushed stone or sand is poured instead. Cushion plates for external walls have width of 1200mm, and for internal walls - 1600mm. During design, the dimensions of the foundation cushion slabs are accepted in accordance with GOST 1358085. Horizontal waterproofing is arranged over laid slabs.
Then the basement panels are laid, over which a horizontal waterproofing layer of two ruberoid layers on the mastic is arranged. The purpose of the waterproofing layer is to prevent migration of capillary soil and atmospheric moisture up the wall. Vertical waterproofing is also arranged - coating the walls with bitumen in 2 layers.
The width of the basement panels for the outer walls is 300 mm, for the inner walls - 160 mm.
During design the dimensions of the basement panels are accepted according to GOST 1357978.
The entire perimeter of the building is paved, 1000 mm wide with a slope of i = 0.03. It is designed to protect the foundation from rain and meltwater penetrating into the ground near the walls of the building.
The depth of foundation laying is accepted structurally from the depth of ground freezing and, taking into account sand preparation, is 1.8 m.
4.1.2 Walls and partitions.
Exterior Walls
The walls of the building are designed to protect and protect against environmental influences and transfer loads from the above structures - floors and coatings to the foundation.
Thickness of external walls is determined on the basis of heat engineering calculation, as well as taking into account dimensions of structural elements. External walls are made of wall panels with thickness of 350 mm. Used panels sizes: 3000 × 3300,6000 × 3300,3000 × 2700.
Internal walls and partitions
Internal walls and partitions are internal vertical enclosing structures in buildings. Internal walls perform fencing and load-bearing functions in the building, partitions - only fencing.
Internal load-bearing walls and partitions made of wall panels 160 mm thick are designed, partitions made of gypsum board on a double frame have a thickness of 150 mm. Floor slabs rest on internal structural walls.
The structures of these walls and partitions meet the regulatory requirements for strength, stability, fire resistance, sound insulation.
4.1.3. Covers and floors.
Slabs - horizontal bearing and enclosing structures dividing buildings into floors and accepting loads from their own weight, the weight of vertical enclosing structures, stairs, as well as from the weight of interior items, equipment and people on them. These loads are transferred from floors to the structural walls of the building.
A prefabricated floor consisting of panels has been designed in this building. Slabs are laid on the external and internal walls from the internal edge of the wall for 80 mm.
PC 60.15 - 6AIV T is used; PC 30.15 - 6T; PERSONAL COMPUTER 90.15 - 6T.
Floors are structures that are constantly subjected to mechanical effects. Floors along intermediate floors shall have sound-insulating properties. In the sanitary unit and in the shower, the floor is made of ceramic tiles, 10 mm thick.
Depending on the purpose of the spaces and their location on the floors, different floor designs are used.
Floors adjoin walls in rooms. In order to ensure that there are no gaps between the floor and the walls, wooden plinths are nailed along the entire perimeter of the room. In the rooms where the surface of the floor is ceramic tiles, a plinth made of shaped ceramic tiles is used.
According to the design solution, the roofs can be attic (separate) and attic-free (combined). In this project, an attic (combined) ventilated roof is applicable. Ventilated combined roof consists of ribbed reinforced concrete slabs,
steam insulation along them and insulation. For drawing, special exhaust shafts are installed on the roof. On the roof there are water drains for discharge of rain water from the roof surface.
4.1.4. Windows and Doors
Windows - building elements designed for lighting and ventilation of rooms. Doors are used to connect isolated spaces and to enter the building. The building has designed wooden window blocks with triple glazing. Window dimensions: 2100x2100mm. The illumination of rooms is satisfied when the window size is 1/4 of the space area.
The door structure consists of a box, which is fixed in the opening of the wall or partition, and a flap part of the blind door canvas hung on the box. Box with suspended canvas forms door unit. According to the number of door canvases, they are divided into single-floor and double-floor. By the presence of glazing: on glazed and deaf. By type of finish, they are divided: with an opaque coating, finished with enamels, paints or facing or film materials. According to the material - wooden, glass, metal. Fire-fighting door types and minimum fire resistance limits shall be accepted according to the respective chapters of SNiPa. Firefighting doors make unburnt or difficult to burn with wooden door sheets lined with steel sheets, with a layer of felt, soaked in clay or alabaster cardboard.
All doors of the building are custom-made and decorated with decorative carvings. Door dimensions: height: 1, 2, 3, 7, 8- 2100 mm, 4, 5, 6- 2400mm; width: 1-1000mm, 2-1500mm, 3- 1300mm, 4- 1500mm, 5- 2100mm, 6- 1900mm, 7- 1000mm, 8- 1000mm.
4.2. Fire fighting measures.
The building of a 2-story school in Krasnodar has a II degree of fire resistance. Walls in rooms and escape routes are made of non-combustible and hard-burning materials.
Structural hazard class of the building - C0.
Functional hazard class of the building - F4.1.
Stairs are used reinforced concrete with a half-site. The width of the flight of stairs is 1350mm. Riser dimensions 150 mm, treads 300 mm. The stairwell has artificial and natural lighting through window openings. Fencing of stair marches made of metal grids with wooden handrails. The slope of the march is 1:2. The height of the handrail is 1300 mm. A separate stairwell is provided for each building unit for the evacuation speed. The glazing of the building allows the device of light pockets for smoke removal. The building has alarm and fire extinguishing systems, primary fire extinguishing devices. The dimensions of the corridors are designed taking into account the human flow.
Engineering Communications
Engineering equipment of the building includes water supply, sewerage, wiring and heating system.
Natural and artificial (electric lamps of daylight).
Study rooms should be light: the ratio of window area to floor area is 1:4 - 1:5 (to. o. = 1.5%). Interior decoration is simple, without excessive architectural details.
Lighting is carried out by incandescent lamps and fluorescent lamps in toilets and showers.
Natural ventilation is designed in the building.
Air exchange is calculated in the volume of 60 m ³/h.
Water supply system
The dormitory construction site is located in the quarter of the existing development, which has engineering networks and structures, so the water supply is carried out from the city's water supply network.
The building has designed a system of cold domestic and drinking water supply to provide for domestic and drinking needs.
The water supply of the building consists of the following main elements: water metering unit, distribution line, risers and supplies to the instruments, water intake and control valves, fire protection system .
Internal cold water supply networks are accepted from steel galvanized pipes (as per GOST 3262). Isolation valves are installed in the base of risers, on branches.
Internal and yard sewage pipelines are designed by gravity.
The internal sewerage scheme includes:
- drain pipes connecting sanitary devices with risers;
- stalls passing through all floors of the house;
- discharges, through which waste water from the risers is supplied through the discharge pipe to the city sewerage network.
Heating - central, water from city networks. The building heating system consists of pipes and batteries through which heated water circulates, and a gas heating boiler. Such a heating system is called central. Heating batteries are located in all rooms and run along the exterior walls of the building on both floors.
Heat supply networks are designed from steel pipes according to GOST 10704 76, hot water supply networks from steel plumbing galvanized pipes according to GOST 326275 .
Hot water supply, centralized with circulation at the input. Hot and circulation inlets are laid together with heating pipes in the heating network channel.
Double control valves are installed on the inputs to the heating devices, air removal from the heating system is carried out through air outlet valves of convectors installed in the upper plugs of the heating device.
Power supply
Power supply is carried out from city substation with powering on two sections two cables - the main and the AAB 2L1000 spare brand, section 3х50х1х25. Electric shield is located on the territory of the school. Low-frequency voltage 380/220 V.
When crossing each other, other communication lines and street passes, cables are laid in asbestos cement pipes with a diameter of 100 mm.
Wiring in the designed building is carried out before plastering the internal walls and partitions and is attached by means of special fasteners to the building structures. If necessary, holes for electric wire in walls and floors are drilled.
Interior decoration, exterior decoration of the building facades.
Interior decoration depends on the function of the room.. Floors in training rooms are made of parquet. In the sun. tile trim units. The dining room and lobby use brainy concrete. In the gymnasium, 60x60 racks are used. The facade and internal walls are finished with improved plaster with subsequent painting with polymer cement enamels.
Conclusion: The design prepared by me meets all the requirements and GOST, during the planning I was guided by SNiP 2.08.0289 "Public buildings," GOST 2469881: "Overall dimensions of doors"
GOST 1121486: Wooden windows and balcony doors with double glazing for residential and public buildings. Types, structures and sizes, etc., during which a 2-story school with 480 seats was designed that meets all standards.
Мурат - Школа.dwg

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