• RU
  • icon Waiting For Moderation: 6

12-storey building with a full frame and a monolithic ribbed ceiling with slabs operated along the contour


The purpose of this final qualification work is to develop a volumetric planning solution, reinforced concrete structures and technology for the construction of a 12-storey office building with a technical floor, office premises and archives along Tchaikovsky Street, the Central District, the city of Yekaterinburg.

         1.2 Initial design data

Place of construction:  Yekaterinburg. According to [1], [2], the construction area is characterized by the following climatic data:

- normative value of high-speed wind head for the II region: 0.3 kPa;

- Normative snow load for the III region: 1.8 kPa;

- estimated outside temperature in winter: -35 оС;

- standard depth of seasonal freezing of soils:  209 cm;

- Seismicity of the construction area: 8 points;

- humidity zone: dry;

- building and climatic zone: 1c

Project's Content

icon ВКР.ЖБК.41-ПЗ.Р.doc
icon ЗАДАНИЕ.doc
icon ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ.docx
icon 3-вариант кж.dwg
icon Моделирование в SCAD.SPR
icon Рабочие чертежи ВКР.ЖБК.41.bak
icon Рабочие чертежи ВКР.ЖБК.41.dwg

Additional information


1. Architectural section

1.1 Introduction

1.2 Design Input


1.4 Space-planning solutions

1.5 Design Solutions

2 Structural section

2.1. Design Solutions

2.2. Loads and impacts

2.3. Modeling in VK SCAD 11.

2.4. Slab Design

2.5 Check of slab for crack formation

2.6 Column Design

3 Construction organization and technology

3.1 Definition of Scope of Work

3.2 Selection of production methods

3.3 Selection of crane

3.4 Vehicle selection

3.5 Concrete Mix Compaction Equipment

3.6 Procedure of works execution

3.7 Production costing

3.8 Calendar Schedule

3.9 Safety of works performance

3.10 Calculation of lighting fixtures

3.11 Operation of temporary buildings and structures

4 Occupational safety at the enterprise

4.1 Liability for violation of HSE requirements

4.2 Safety Instructions for Concrete Workers

5 List of literature

Drawings content

icon 3-вариант кж.dwg

3-вариант кж.dwg

icon Рабочие чертежи ВКР.ЖБК.41.dwg

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