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Student project of the cultural and leisure center (business club), Revit 2022

  • Added: 28.12.2022
  • Size: 48 MB
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Student project of the cultural and leisure center (business club), Revit 2022. The auditorium is universal, with a flat floor, the capacity is about 200 people (depending on how the seats are arranged)

Explication of premises:

1. Vestibule 10 m2

2. lobby of 248 m2

3. Ticket office 6 m2

4. wardrobe 36 m2 

5. café 60 m2

6. summer extension (café) of 33 m2

7. Loading 8 m2

8. kitchen 19 m2

9. bathroom 40 m2

10. technical room 3 m2

11. foyer of 143 m2

12. greenhouse 101 m2

13. universal hall for 180 persons 230 m2

14. small hall of 69 m2

15. Artistic 15 m2 + 13 m2

16. Decoration warehouse 9 m2

17. Couloir of locker rooms 87 m2

18. table tennis 28 m2

19. locker room 30 m2 + 26 m2

20. shower room 4 m2

21. sports hall 450 m2 (15m by 30 m)

22. Inventory room 24 m2

23. Coaching room 12 m2 x 3

24. gym 73 m2

25. exhibition hall of 100 m2

26. Circle 65 m2 x 3

27. Reception couloir 29 m2

28. Administration 27 m2 x 2 + 14 m2

29. Library 208 m2

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