13B rotary engine
- Added: 10.03.2015
- Size: 13 MB
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13B rotary engine
Project's Content
13B 2mm apex seal rotor assembly.SLDASM
13B 2mm apex seal.SLDPRT
13B pp engine.SLDASM
13B PP rotor housing.SLDPRT
13B S4 center plate.SLDPRT
13B S4 front plate.SLDPRT
13B S4 front stationary gear.SLDPRT
13B S4 rear counterweight.SLDPRT
13B S4 rear plate.SLDPRT
13B S4 rear stationary gear.SLDPRT
13B S4 rotor housing.SLDPRT
13B S4 rotor.SLDPRT
2mm corner seal.SLDPRT
counterweight (automatic).SLDPRT
dowel pin.SLDPRT
eccentric shaft.SLDPRT
front stationary gear.SLDPRT
locating pin.SLDPRT
main bearing.SLDPRT
rear stationary gear.SLDPRT
rotor bearing.SLDPRT
rotor gear locating pin.SLDPRT
rotor housing steel insert.SLDPRT
rotor ring gear.SLDPRT
S4 front cover.SLDPRT
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